Page 121 of Forever Entwined
I can't help but grin as she tries to cover up her underwear with my discarded t-shirt. "But basically, your Nana was the nurse who took care of my mom before she died, and that's how she ended up with her ring. She tried to give it back to my dad, but..."
I feel myself getting angry just thinking about him.Bella clearly sees the change because she grabs my hand in a soothing manner and replies, "He's an asshole. Continue, baby."
"So yeah. Your Nana has had the rings, but she didn't know until he died that he was the husband of the woman whose rings she had kept safe all these years."
"Wow, it was like fate; we were destined to find each other," Bella gushes happily.
"I don't doubt that, baby. But as much as I'd love to stay here naked with you all weekend, I suggest we head back before the rain starts again. Our friends will be worried."
We quickly get dressed, pack our things, and head out. "One second, stand there Bella, I want to take a picture. I want to be able to look back at this memory for years to come, to remember this day and this cave."
"Oh yeah, look kids, this is where Mommy and Daddy hid and had sex in plain sight," Bella jokes as she poses. Her words make my heart beat faster, and the way she can imagine kids in our future so clearly makes me want to marry her right now.
"Nope, look, here's where Mommy officially became mine forever. This is the last picture of Mommy as my girlfriend and the first picture of her as my future wife," I reply gleefully, as I snap picture after picture of Bella being natural and playful.
I quickly try to call Gabe, but when it goes to voicemail, I have no choice but to leave a message. "Hey Gabe, it's me. Please call me when you get this; I’ve got something amazing to share with you. I wish you were here. I want you to be the first to know, but I would rather not do it by text. Call me as soon as you get this message, please, bro."
We make our way back, and when we arrive, we see that the whole gang is sitting in the living room. The log fire is burning, and they appear to be playing a board game together.
"Honey, we're home," I call out as I enter the room.
"Thank fuck, we thought the rainwater had washed you away," Riley jokes.
"No, thankfully we found a place to hide away on the beach until the storm passed," Bella says as she starts to take off her shoes.
"I told you they'd be getting down and dirty somewhere." Tucker laughs, offering me a drink.
"Oh, trust me, we've done more than that," I joke, taking a sip.
"Well, come on then, don't leave a girl in suspense; tell us all your dirty secrets," Ava says, leaning closer.
"I'll leave that up to my girl." I grin.
"Well, actually, my hand is really hurting," Bella says, holding her hand as if she's injured.
"Oh no, what happened?" Harper asks worriedly as she stands up and makes her way over to Bella.
"I think it's from.... this big ass rock!" Bella laughs as she holds up her hand, flashing her ring to the whole group.
"Shut the fuck up!" and "You didn't!" the girls screech as they all rush over to inspect Bella's hand.
"What's with the squealing?" Danny asks as he and Sophie emerge from one of the downstairs bedrooms.
"Bella got engaged," Ava screams so loudly that I think her grandparents back home could have heard.
"Pretty sure I was there, too," I whisper to Tucker, as all the girls start shrieking loudly and jumping around excitedly.
"Outside?" suggests Tucker as he covers his ears.
"Absolutely," Danny and I say as we sneak out of the room and into the kitchen.
"Congratulations, man," Danny says, hugging me and patting me on the back.
"Good thing your boy brought the ring, huh?" Tucker laughs, bowing dramatically.
"So you planned this?" Danny asks as he sits down on the stool and pushes another one over with his leg, so I can sit on it.
"Kind of. I already talked to her grandparents and got their permission. But I didn't know I was going to propose to her today. I didn't even know this party was happening. It was just a coincidence that I had the ring with me on our walk. I had originally envisioned some big, elaborate proposal, but the moment was so perfect, I knew I had to do it right then and there."