Page 122 of Forever Entwined
"So, how did you end up with the ring, Tuck?" Danny asks, rubbing his chin as he tries to put it all together.
"Well, it's kind of weird. I was helping Bella pack some clothes for Nate yesterday, and I saw the box in the back of the drawer, and something just told me to take it." Tucker shrugs, taking another swig of his beer.
"It was fate," I reply with a shrug.
"What was fate?" asks Harper from behind me.
I turn and notice all the girls coming through the door, each smiling like the cat that got the cream. I take a moment to appreciate what an amazing, supportive group of friends we have. Any other people who would have told their friends that they were engaged when they hadn't even graduated from college would have been met with ridicule. But not for a second did any of those guys doubt us or try to convince us that we were making a mistake. They immediately loved us, supported us, and celebrated our announcement.
"So go on then; what was fate?" repeats Harper.
"Everything." I smile, pulling Bella down to sit on my lap.
"Come on, I want all the details. Don’t leave anything out," Ava coaxes as she sits herself on Tucker's lap, but keeps all her attention on me and my girl.
I tell them everything, from how Bella’s nana ended up with my mom's ring, to what happened when I invited her grandparents out for coffee to get their blessing. I describe how romantic and special our morning was watching the thunderstorm and lightning from our safe haven, but I do omit a few of the more private details, of course.
After the group listens to the whole story, gasping along to all the crazy moments and gushing over the romantic, heartfelt moments, we go back into the room to spend some time together.
I spent the rest of the afternoon with my new family at the cabin, having a great time. I try calling Gabe four more times, but each time it goes to his voicemail.
It rains almost non-stop all day, so we pass the time playing board games, talking and laughing, and eating whatever the girls can make in the kitchen, mostly cookies and brownies. Then, when it gets drier, we bring the lawn chairs to the beach just outside and make a big bonfire to sit around. I keep checking my phone on and off all day, hoping that there will be some sign that Gabe is coming. This is one of the most important nights of my life. It's not only my birthday but also my unexpected engagement party, but my only brother is nowhere to be seen. I try to call him a few times, but his phone is turned off. I know this shouldn't bother me so much, especially since I'm surrounded by people who all love and care about me, but I can't help but feel upset and disappointed that he's not here to celebrate with me. Unfortunately, as the evening goes on and it becomes less and less likely that my knucklehead brother will show up, my disappointment turns to annoyance, which then turns into anger and resentment.
I can't believe that after everything that has happened, and after everything I tried to do for him, he couldn't even be bothered to show up.
Ifinish work early, unable to fully concentrate as my mind argues with itself about whether or not to go to the cabin with Nate's friends. I turn on my cell phone to find a series of text messages. First, I read through my selection from Izzy.
Izzy,1.30:Gabe, please come. It would mean the world to both me and Nate. Also, there's something we want to tell you.
Izzy, 2.00:Listen, I have tried to be nice and understanding, but now you're just being an ass. It's your only brother's birthday, so get your ass over here. Now!!!
Izzy, 2.25:Look, I'm sorry I was rude, but I love Nate, and I know you love him even more. Neither of us wants to see him get hurt, so let's put our differences aside for one night, for his sake. You can hate us again on Monday... I pinkie promise.
Izzy, 2.30:Here's the address again, in case you change your mind.
As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. It's not about me and how uncomfortable group activities make me. It's about Nate. He is my little brother, and I promised to always be there for him. I was forced to break my promise before, and I'm not going to let anything, not even my own insecurities, make me break it again. So I load up the car and prepare myself for the nearly four-hour drive.
I drive and drive, making the most of the silence and peace I know I won't have for the next two days. Once the silence becomes deafening, I turn my music up loud, open the windows, and enjoy the open road. The closer I get, the more complicated the drive becomes. According to the GPS, I am only half an hour away.
When I spoke with Tucker about this place a few hours ago, he told me to head towards the coast and turn at the intersection, but for the past twenty minutes I have been driving in circles and just can't find the turnoff. It's obvious that I'm completely lost.
I stop to get my bearings, but to no avail. Reluctantly, I pull out my phone to load Google Maps because the car seems to hate me.What the hell?There’s no damn service in this dump. I pull over and drive to the nearest small town, hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I stop just as I see a pub.When life gives you lemons, I think to myself. Might as well go in and have a beer to calm my nerves about this stupid fucking weekend. The way I am feeling right now, I'm probably going to snap. Hopefully, after a quick drink, I will be in a better mood to find my way.
One drink turns into two, two turns into three, and before I know it, I've been sitting here for almost two hours, downing two pints of beer and four Jack Daniel's.
I pull out my phone and notice a message from Tucker.
Tucker: Seriously, Gabe, I can't believe you're not here. Nate is trying not to let on how mad he is, and Izzy, well, that girl is furious. She may be small, but she’s going to rip your balls off and put them in a blender when we get back home.
I read the message and can't help but grin as I picture Izzy trying to be big and scary. I've seen her lose her temper a few times in the past few months, mostly because of me, and even though she thinks she's scary, I can't help but laugh at her.
Suddenly, I remember why I'm actually here, and it's not to get drunk in a pub. So I quickly reply to Tucker, hoping he can help.
Gabe:I'm on my way, I just stopped in town to get a drink because I can't fucking find you.