Page 37 of Escape from Rage
“Holy shit. How did we never know this?” Jett exclaimed.
“Ask my father,” Harley replied.
“I will do,” Jett agreed.
“Okay, you got everything you need? Let’s explore,” Big Al said, eager to get this farce over and done with. He wanted to go home and snuggle with his wife. Although he hoped Tati was having a good time.
He sighed as Harley, Jett, and Jemma darted into the nurse’s station. They looked around, and Jemma’s mouth opened.
“Do you think the staff literally walked out? Look, there are cups with stains here, and tell me that’s not a half-eaten sandwich,” Jemma demanded, wrinkling her nose.
“No, that is. Look, there are even patient files on the table,” Harley said, approaching them.
“Don’t open them,” Vivie exclaimed quickly. “They’re private.”
Harley’s hand froze, and then he pulled it away. “Sorry, you’re right.”
“I can’t believe they left these things hanging around. What the hell happened here?” Big Al asked.
“The legends go that the state got consistent complaints and walked in one day and moved all the patients and staff out. They found various people in severe distress, and the word torture was used. The doctors were using cruel and inhuman methods of controlling the population,” Slick explained.
“That’s terrible,” Vivie said.
“There were several complaints of abuse, even rape. The people who landed here were treated as sub-human. The criminally insane ward was by far the worst. They said men and women had been raped and beaten multiple times, and most were drugged, so they couldn’t fight back,” Ezra continued.
“Jesus,” Jett muttered, looking sick.
“So anything we’re likely to encounter is going to be highly disturbed?” Jemma asked.
“Yes, I’d say so,” Ezra agreed.
“This is meant to be one of the Top Ten Haunted places in America. They say the hauntings got so bad and violent the state locked it down to protect people,” Slick informed them.
“And typically, that’s waving a red flag at Phoe,” Big Al complained.
“Oh yeah, Phoe would have been all over this,” Ezra agreed.
“Great,” Harley moaned. “Mom will have gone nuts. Well, she got her wish.”
Everyone shook their head at Phoe’s love of Halloween and then began to search the rooms.
“What the hell is that?” Jemma demanded as she approached the bed in one room.
“Oh shit. Is that what they would have used to strap someone’s head down?” Slick asked, looking horrified at the metal head cage attached to the bed.
“That’s evil,” Vivie groaned, backing away and curling into Ezra. He put an arm around her as she buried her face in his shoulder. “Such depravity and cruelty.”
“Yeah,” Ezra muttered in the face of the torture device.
“Come on, this room is awful,” Jemma said, stepping out into the hallway. “Woah.”
Jett stepped out quickly behind her and gasped. When Big Al pushed his way through, they were staring at a room farther down the hallway.
“What?” Big Al demanded.
“I swear to God, I saw a nurse walk in there,” Jemma muttered, looking shocked.
“There’s nobody else here,” Big Al replied, swapping a look with the cameraman. He got a head shake in reply.