Page 38 of Escape from Rage
“Just us,” he confirmed.
“We have to check that room out,” Jemma said, darting down the hallway.
“Oh, here we go!” Big Al moaned. “Jumping at shadows and our imagination playing tricks on us.”
In response to his words, the lights flickered. Everyone faced Big Al and then chased after Jemma. Big Al realised that despite their denials that they didn’t believe in ghosts, they did want to be convinced.
They barged into the room and glanced around. There were two beds in there shoved against opposite walls and a closet. Nothing else.
“Jesus, this is barren,” Jett commented.
“I imagine if you had personal stuff, you’d have to fight to keep it,” Slick agreed.
“Is anyone here? Can you tell us your name?” Jemma questioned, switching on the EVP recorder.
“Yes… Mary,”came the reply.
“Oh my God, you all heard that?” Jemma demanded. Without waiting for agreement, she continued.
“Did you work here, Mary?”
“You were a nurse here?” Jemma asked.
“Did you die here?” Harley inquired.
“You can’t ask that! It might upset her!” Jemma snapped, and Big Al rolled his eyes.
“Holy shit. You were murdered?” Harley exclaimed.
“Here… this room… men,”Mary answered.
“Two?” Jemma asked.
“Yes… murdered…”
“Two men killed you in this room?” Jemma asked.
“I’m so sorry. That must have been terrifying,” Jemma replied sadly.
“Whistle… blower,”Mary responded.
“You told on what was happening here?” Big Al inquired, intrigued despite himself.
“Yes… killed… to silence.”
“You were killed because you were a whistle-blower. Oh my God, how awful,” Jemma stated. “Is there anything we can do?”
“Tell… truth.”
“We’ll do it,” Jemma promised.