Page 60 of Light From The Dark
A few days after getting back to California, there had been a knock at the door. We’d had many visitors showing up to the house, everyone from distant relatives, to neighbors from a block over that we had never even waved to. So when my mom opened the door to see two well-dressed men in suits standing on the porch, we knew it was an official visit.
The two men were from the FBI, and they had come by to take my official statement. I had already given it to the police, but it was a requirement for them to close out an open case. After I repeated the story I could have recited in my sleep by that point, the agents shared what they could about the man that was known as the Castle Killer.
Paul Payne had been raised by a single mother, never knowing anything different Linda Payne was, by all accounts, a decent mother; she loved her son and provided the necessities. Having been kicked out of her religious parent's home at the young age of seventeen, Linda turned to what many other young women did to survive—prostitution.
Young Paul ended up developing an unhealthy fascination with watching his mother work. Linda had no idea that he had been watching and had created his own peepholes in the thin walls of the trailer they lived in. From the records of the psychiatrist that Paul had been sent to after his mother’s death, Paul had fallen in love with her and began trying to woo his mother. He would leave her flowers, and it pleased him when she immediately knew that they were from him, even without a fancy note attached. The wildflowers he plucked from the park and neighborhood gardens weren’t fancy, but his mother had loved them.
Unfortunately, she didn’t understand what the flowers symbolized to her son. By accepting the flowers as any mother would, he had felt she was accepting him as a man. When he tried to get physically intimate… well, the FBI believed Linda Payne was Paul’s first victim.
They were still trying to connect any unsolved murders similar to the ones Paul Payne committed, but it was pretty obvious that everyone involved was relieved to finally close the book on the Castle Killer. Even when I had called the guys to let them know, there was a collective loosening of muscles. We had watched the man die, and had known he was the one behind my kidnapping and imprisonment, but having confirmation of who he was, it was a relief. Even so, I couldn’t help a small bit of sympathy for the young boy that obviously needed help at an early age.
I sighed and shifted in bed, rolling over carefully so that my bony knees wouldn’t take out one of my favorite body parts on the guys.
“I need to go get cleaned up really quick.” I kissed each of them on their barely there scruff, giggling as they reached for me, trying to get a real kiss. Somehow, I managed to slide out from between them and made it into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I was in no way ready for the guys to know that I did gross things. They were supposed to think that I was naturally sweet-smelling and perfect.
I quickly used the toilet, then hopped in the shower for a super fast wash and rinse. I couldn’t resist the urge to brush my teeth quickly as well. I wanted to be as fresh as possible for as long as possible with these two. Our reunion had barely begun, and there were things that we needed to discuss. Serious things. Life-changing things. I took in several deep breaths, pulling the air in, then letting it back out nice and slow with my eyes closed and my head hanging down. I had my palms braced against the bathroom counter as I had my mini panic attack. When I opened my eyes back up, I blinked.
There were three sinks.He added a third sink for me!There was my favorite scented hand soap. My face cream. They put me in the middle. Tears immediately welled in my eyes. While I was in California packing up my life there, they were getting ready for me to come back home.
“Sugar,” Ethan’s deep voice rumbled softly from behind me. I swiped at my eyes, ready to make excuses for my tears, when I turned around. Only, he wasn’t where I had expected him to be. My chin dropped until I could see his eyes, almost level with my boobs.
It took me an embarrassing amount of time for my brain to understand what I was seeing. Not only Ethan but Brent was also kneeling next to him, and together, each of them was holding out a ring. I gasped, my hands flying to my mouth. The tears I had just wiped away began again in earnest, and before they could get another word out, I was sobbing.
Ethan jumped to his feet and wrapped his arms around me, whispering soothing words that I could barely grasp into my ear. Brent continued to kneel, looking scared, and that’s what made me start to laugh. I dropped to my knees in front of him and threw my arms around his shoulders as he wrapped me in a tight hug and burrowed his nose into my neck.
Then I thought of what kind of sight we would have made, all three of us naked, kneeling on the floor, laughing and crying.
Brent pulled back and smiled at me, wiping away the remnants of my tears with his thumbs. “Dollface, we talked about marrying you before. But…” He looked up at Ethan, who knelt beside us, holding out his ring again. I could see the diamond looked almost like a teardrop but was curved. I tilted my head, trying to make sense of what I was seeing, until Brent held his up, too.
One clear diamond. One black diamond. Each curved in a way that they would nestle together to make one whole, like a yin and yang symbol. Balance. Holy shit, I was going to cry again.
“We want you to know that we love you beyond measure. You complete us in a way that we never could have guessed was possible.” Ethan took my hand and slid his ring onto my finger, and Brent followed, sliding his black diamond to sit next to Ethan’s. Once they came together, there was a small clicking sensation, and that’s when I realized they connected with a magnet. Jesus, it was so gloriously perfect. I was going to pass out or throw up from the overwhelming feelings.
I began to take long, slow, deep breaths to steady myself while the guys watched me apprehensively. I held up my hand, the completed ring catching my eye and snapping me out of it.
“I love it! Yes, of course, I will marry you!” I leaned over to kiss Ethan fiercely as I tightened my right arm around Brent’s neck, refusing to let him go. Once our kiss broke off, I turned to Brent and kissed him with just as much passion. I pulled back to take them both in, looking as happy as I felt. “I’ve never been happier in my life. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most.”
“Sugar, you’ll never be rid of us.” Ethan winked at me and stood to his full height, holding out a hand for me. “Let’s go lay down. I don’t like you on this cold floor.”
“Maybe I should get those floors heated like we talked about,” Brent muttered as he scooped me up into his arms and carried me back into our bedroom. He gently laced me on the bed and smoothed his hands over my belly as Ethan looked on with a look of pure male satisfaction.
I glanced between the two of them and let out a deep sigh. “You already know.”
They both chuckled, crawling up next to me and holding me close between them. “As soon as your shirt was off, we knew,” Brent said as he drifted a fingertip over one puckered nipple. I hadn’t thought they’d notice the subtle changes.
“If you don’t think we know every inch of your body by now, you’re a little bit delusional,” Ethan teased as he gently cupped my other breast, careful not to squeeze. How they knew to be gentle with my sore breasts, I had no idea, but I was grateful for their thoughtfulness.
“You’re going to be daddies. That doesn’t scare you?” I asked, glancing between them as I tried not to let on how turned on I was getting for their soft caresses.
“Sugar, I think we are both scared shitless. But we are excited, too.”
“Because you are giving us everything. You are everything.” Brent kissed my lips with just the slightest pressure. He leaned back up and gave me an evil little smirk. “Now, why don’t we celebrate properly? I think our man here would love to have his ass taken while his cock is sunk deep inside your pussy. What do you think?”
I could only nod and give a breathless “Uh huh,” as Ethan rose above me.