Page 61 of Light From The Dark
I walked into the house,immediately stowing my service weapon away into the safe by the front door, double-checking to make sure the lock was secure before shrugging out of my jacket. It had been a long day, and I was exhausted, but hearing the little giggles coming from down the hallway had a smile coming to my face and lightening to my heart. Coming home always brightened my mood.
The door opened behind me as I was hanging up my jacket in the hall closet, Brent stepping through the door after me. He looked about as exhausted as I felt, but he had the same goofy grin on his face that I probably did. Home was where the heart was, and every bit of our hearts was within these walls.
Without even bothering to take off his own jacket, Brent reached for me and tugged me roughly into him. As our mouths and hard bodies collided, I breathed out before taking his kiss even deeper. Once we broke off the kiss, our foreheads pressed together for a long minute, just taking each other in. Twenty years now, we have been together, and I would never change a single minute.
It had been eight years since Casey had come into our lives, and we cherished every single day with her and the children she had given us. After toeing off his work boots and hanging up his jacket, Brent and I walked down the hall, guided by the sounds of the giggles, finding our son and two daughters watching a movie in the playroom while stacking blocks.
Casey was in the big recliner in the corner with her feet up and a box of crackers sitting on her huge belly. As I watched, the box jumped, and Casey let out a small wince. I noticed that what she was putting in her mouth didn’t look anything like the crackers the box claimed to be in there. I hid a grin as I stepped into the room.
“Daddies!” All three kids jumped up to greet us. Our son waiting patiently for his younger sisters to run forward, throwing themselves against our legs, and then immediately pulling back so they could trade places. Our youngest, Madeline, lifted her little three-year-old arms and demanded up. Of course, I dutifully bent down and picked up my angel, snuffling into her neck and making her giggle. The sound was a burst of warmth filling my heart.
I set her back down and ruffled Gage’s hair when he stepped forward for his turn after his sisters ran back to the blocks to continue building whatever it was they had been working on.
“How was school today, son?” I knelt down so we were eye to eye and listened as he told me about his day. Brent stood next to us with his hand on his son’s shoulder. We never had any kind of testing done; our children were all of ours, regardless of DNA. The fact that Gage had Brent’s eyes and his stubborn chin didn’t make him any less mine.
After the quick hug, the only thing a seven-year-old boy would allow his dads at that age, he went back to play with his sisters as the movie continued to play quietly in the background. We both started moving toward our girl, watching with amusement as she popped another cookie in her mouth and closed the lid on the box.
I raised an eyebrow. “That’s kind of genius.”
“She’s a little sneak,” Brent laughed.
“What? I had a craving!” Casey mumbled through a mouthful. I placed a kiss on her closed mouth and then dropped to my knees in front of the chair. As she struggled to right herself, Brent moved quickly, dropping the footrest to the ground with a growl.
“You’re supposed to ask for help.”
She just rolled her eyes as he kissed her lips next. “I’m pregnant, not dying.”
“Still, sugar, you shouldn’t strain yourself.” I ran my hands over her belly, feeling our twin boys roll in what little space they still had inside their mother. “Two days left,” I murmured, still in awe of what our girl was capable of. She was our miracle, and every day she gave more and more to our lives. In two days, she would be giving us two more children to love and cherish. We already knew that they would be our last. It was bittersweet, but right for us.
“Two days,” she whispered.
Brent was quiet as he swept his eyes over Casey and then back over to where our children were playing. I saw Gage watching us with a thoughtful look on his face. He was always so serious, and I knew he was absorbing what he was seeing. He was learning from our actions. One day he would grow up to be the kind of man I would be proud of because every day, he showed that he had a big heart and a strong mind.
Brent gently pulled Casey to her feet. “Why don’t you go take a nap while I get dinner ready and Ethan tends to the children?”
Casey stifled a yawn. “I’m fine, really.”
We both chuckled, cutting off the sound as Casey gave us a death glare. Without another word, Brent scooped her up and carried her from the room, intent on seeing her rest. As he nuzzled her throat, making her giggle, I toed off my shoes and walked over to kneel on the floor with the kids. “How tall do you think we can make the tower, son?”
“Before Madeline knocks it over?” His little boy laugh had me grinning.
I pointed at our six-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. “I don’t know. I think it will be the Lizzy monster that frees the princess this time.” They all started bouncing in their places, ready to start the game.
Casey moaned as I bit the side of her neck. I was holding her against the side of the shower, my long, hard cock steadily sliding in and out of her wet heat. Ethan was putting the kids to bed, and the twins would be down for at least three hours. It was finally time for us.
Having five children was amazing. There was always laughter, though there was a lot of crying, too. But with the crying came a sort of peace, knowing that the tears would dry, the arguments between the children would end in hugs and forgiveness, and that the twins would be fed or changed. There was no soul-deep pain, no hurt that couldn’t be forgiven. As a child, it was a normal I hadn’t known existed. I thanked whoever, whatever, was listening in my quiet moments alone for allowing me to have this life.
I also never stopped grieving for my sister. I wished with every part of me that I could have saved her. I wished that she could have known her beautiful nieces and nephews, known the little girl we had named after her. The only way I knew to avenge her was to continue ridding the world of the scum like our father. As long as I could continue to do so safely, without putting my family in danger, I would. Gladly.
The door to the shower opened, and Ethan stepped inside, his thick cock already hard and glistening. I licked my lips, thinking of how good it felt to have him in my mouth, but there was another purpose for his cock at the moment. It had been too many days since we had taken our girl at the same time.
I turned around so my back was to the wall and held Casey under her thighs, using my hands to spread her ass cheeks. She leaned her head into my chest, snuggling in, and she vibrated with excitement.