Page 11 of Raijin
Tiller scoffed. “There is no such thing as a normalwitch. Especially not since the Council decided to make them their enemies back in the 1500’s, but I digress. Each witch has a special type of magic they can use. Duds, of course are witches with little to no magic, often they are more the type to make charms and hexes, but they aren’t ever strong. So, while they have a few tricks up their sleeves, they are considered barely witches. Then, you have grey witches, they are the type to use metal or objects in order to assert their magic they typically are weapon handlers.”
A dinging sound filled the elevator as the walls and door disappeared. The opened doors revealed the busy streets of Dublin. A crowd of human pedestrians laid between them and their destination. The people wandered here and there, some seeming to be tourist, others just enjoying the spring weather. Going unnoticed, Tiller and Raijin walked across the street to a pub whose sign read, “Giants Place,” and whose doors had a large, closed sign on the front. Tiller grabbed the handle, and immediately, the humans and the closed sign disappeared. Day became night, and the lights over the sign above flickered on.
Opening the door, Tiller walked inside. The bar was empty aside from an older male who was bent over behind the counter. He moved beers from a crate to a bucket of ice. He didn’t spare them a look as he steadily continued his work.
Tiller stopped at the counter and took in the different types of liquors on the wall. He continued his explanation. “Then, there are the green witches, who are a bit more complicated as they work with nature. They could be single element gifted or be able to control all elements. Hey, Brock, I’ll take two mugs of the dark stuff to the left of you for my friend and I.”
The older man grunted, as he straightened. Raijin’s gaze lifted up and up, until he realized he was looking at a giant. Giving them both his back, the giant went to work getting Tiller his drink.
Tiller took a seat and spun so that he faced Raijin. “After those are the white witches, and what they typically handle is the dead. They love talking to spirits, but at least they’re nice. Black or dark witches always leave a dirty taste in my mouth. Rumor has it that Madame Lanias is such a witch.”
Raijin took the large mug that’d been placed on the counter. Taking sip of the bitter brew, he side-eyed Tiller. “So, you’ve spent this time reminding me why I hadn’t wanted to take this case. The point of all this?”
Tiller took a deep sip of his own drink. Releasing a heavy exhale when he finished, he smirked. His eyes glowed as he answered. “Out of all the types of witches, Numb Witches can do it all, which is why,” he said, as he placed his glass down. His entire expression changing to something cold. “After they destroyed the three witch families with the oldest Lore. The council started to gather any young witch who showed a hint of being able to develop into such a witch and killed them. To the world at large, they all died in a mudslide, after being conscripted to a Council ran program. They can’t exist.”
Hearing this, didn’t move Raijin nor did it shock him. This was the side of the Council he knew well. The Council had always been ruthless and loved wiping out Beings who posed any kind of threat to them.
The Unders, who gave Raijin a lot of information during his assignments, had once told him a story of Blue Jays dragging young girls from their mothers’ arms in the dead of night.
Not waiting for Raijin to reply, Tiller continued, “In order for the Council to remain unchallenged in their effort to wipe them out, they had to be removed. Of course, those who turned a blind eye to it gained the most out of the situation. A good example being the Warlock families, no one was around who would compete with them lore wise. Which allowed them to gain more influence and fame in Legolas’s new world.”
Raijin wondered, if the man beside him really thought money washed blood from one’s hands. “So, if someone were to create one of these witches it would be an issue for the Council?”
“Yes,” Tiller said. “And there is another worry.”
“What is that?” Raijin asked.
“The witches shouldn’t find out about this,” Tiller said with no remorse. “If this hidden enemy is able to change a Dud into a Numb one. It could alter the power balance drastically. There are witches who still till this day wish to punish the Council for their betrayal.”
“And we wouldn’t want that to happen,” Raijin drawled sarcastically, before finishing his drink and standing. “Why didn’t you say what it is you truly wish to?”
Tiller flinched, but he didn’t move. Instead, he kept his eyes on the left-over residue of black liquor in his glass. He released a soft laugh. “And what is it you think I wanted to say?”
Raijin spoke bluntly, “That the witches themselves could be behind this.”
Golden eyes met his. “Maybe or maybe not. Someone seeks to regain a power they lost. The Council is full of rotting corpses eager to regain life.”
Tiller’s meaning was clear, whether it was the witches or an outside enemy. He wanted the result to be the death of many Councilmen who were a hindrance in his own bid for power.
Raijin gave a single nod. “We’ll look into it.”
“Raijin.” His back chilled. Tiller rarely called him by his name. “Shade is not a place that someone like you can just enter without being noticed. Madame Lanias is one of the four demons of Veil City and she has kept her place by doing anything and everything to protect it. She’s known for being ruthless.”
“Hmph, it’s too late to be worried now,” Raijin scoffed.
With that, he walked away and exited the Pub, strolling down the street he melted into the crowd. After a few minutes he spotted the man, he’d been looking for. Huddled in the corner of an alleyway. The Unders second set of arms were hidden beneath his bulky jacket, and his missing nose was covered by a mask.
Looking both ways Raijin made his way over to the Under, who had his back pressed to the wall of the alley. “You made me come to the human world.” Was his greeting.
“It was the better option,” Raijin said pulling money from his pocket and handing it off. “What info do you have for me Elie?”
Elie shrugged his coat higher, his third arm quickly hiding the roll of cash within his coat. “There have been more than a few dead bodies popping up, most of them only leaving behind a trail of black dust behind. The cheap stuff leaves a trail, so look for someone selling it illegally. Also, word on the street is that your favorite body snatcher may have a hand in disposing them. Some are even saying one of the Council men have been making the hand over less noticeable. Especially with the way he is keeping his mouth shut.”
“Is that all the information you have for me?” Raijin asked. “What about the Shade witches, have you heard anything that points to them being involved?”
Elie shrugged, “Witches in general are not likely to harm their own, and since the arrival of Madame Lanias it is very unlikely that one of their own could be behind this. She’s not known as one of the four demons for nothing. The witches are loyal to her, not even a warlock would dare to look at her wrong.”
Taking this in Raijin nodded, “I’ll send for you again.”