Page 12 of Raijin
Elie pulled the collar of his jacket up, “Not in the human world, I hope.” With that he scurried into the dark.
Leaving the Alley, Raijin entered the crowd smoothly following along, until he found the silver doors of the elevator hidden from the eyes of t humans. Taking in a bracing breath he entered. Once inside he pressed his palm against the wall. The walls immediately changed from silver to a live painting of the blue sky. Relief flooded him, as the doors closed.
Reaching into his pocket he took out the card, on the back of it read a time. Seeing this he decided he would go to this establishment and see if he could find out any information about the missing women
The Shade
“Hey, beautiful. Can I get another drink?”
“Sorry Joe I’m going on break.” Sabina called to the centaur seated at the end of the bar. She’d been running since she’d come to work, it was time for a break. “I’ll get you when I get back.”
The Centaur kicked out his back leg in annoyance, “Fine, but hurry cause no one else makes me my drinks the way I like them. Strong.”
Sabina laughed, “Right, I’ll hurry back.” She made her way to the back of the bar stopping only long enough to wave a hand over a black crystal that rested near the door. It released a low chime signaling she was off the clock. Pushing the door open she hopped out of the way, as a rolling cart past her. “Sorry, Sabina.” One of the cooks shouted their eyes firmly on the food they were making, while the dishes flew over their heads.
“Don’t worry,” she said diving under a zooming pot that landed on the stove top with a clang. “I’m used to it.” Walking around the counter, she exited the kitchen and entered a long hallway. The smell of herbs, perfume and the tang of liquor filled the air as other Witches walked to their floor or made their way to the break room.
“Sabina,” She paused in the hallway to see her friend Eliza coming her way. Eliza was a Dub Witch who’d been brought to Veil City by Lanias. “I didn’t think you were supposed to work today?”
“I wasn’t,” Sabina said as the two of them made their way to the break room. “I needed something other than my divorce to think about.”
“Ooh, how did that go?” Eliza asked, as she linked her arm with Sabina’s. “Did he cry? Or did he hit you with the ‘You’ll never find someone like me’ proverb?”
“No, Derick is much more of an ass. He used Kahlia. Suddenly I’m not a great mother because I’m tearing my baby away from her cheating father.” She said, sarcasm dripping from her words. “I don’t want to think about it, how are you doing?”
They paused in front of a door that read Employees only. Eliza reached out to push the door open. “Surviving, last week I was called in because Carla called out. So, my weekend was cut short, but that’s not where the story gets interesting. The worst part is that your favorite Incubus was hanging out at the Blackjack table.”
“Ragan?” Sabina asked, considering there were plenty of Incubus who came to the Shade.
“Yep, that’s the one.” Eliza confirmed before she added releasing her arm, “I almost wished you were there for it. He spent the entire night throwing money away. And got belligerent when the bodyguards asked him to leave.” Eliza shuddered, as she made her way over to her locker. “I never liked how he stared at you, and could only feel relief when he left.”
Sabina shook her head, “I’m glad I wasn’t there, he’s always too touchy when I serve him drinks.” Deciding she’d rather talk about something else; Sabina changed the subject. “Are you going home already?” She opened her locker with a tap against the lock. The locked popped open, and she reached up for her lunch box.
Eliza nose wrinkled, “No, I’m going to grab some lunch and then I’ll be right back to it.” She said pulling out her wallet. “I was thinking of going to the bistro on the corner. Want to come?”
Sabina was tempted, but she’d already promised her sister she’d eat with her. “Sorry, maybe next time?”
Eliza shrugged as she kicked her locker closed. “No problem. Maybe we can meet up this weekend for coffee?”
“It’s a date,” Sabina said as the two of them exited the locker room. “And don’t forget that Lanias is looking for some dealers to work at a private party.”
Eliza frowned, “Is it that party being thrown by that kid whose dad is a senator or something?”
“Yeah, why?” Sabina asked.
“I hate the younger ones,” Eliza said as they stopped before the exit. “They are much worse, than the handsy old man, at least they tire easily,” She teased. “Well, this is where we split. See you later.”
“Yeah, later.”
The two separated as Eliza headed down the hallway to the exit that led outside. Sabina took the exit into the foyer. She barely missed a man walking passed, his hand shot up and caught the door. Her lunch box slipped from her fingers hitting the floor with a muted thud.
“Sorry,” Sabina said as she looked up sharply.