Page 4 of Raijin
“Hee,” he released a frightened squeal as Sabina kicked out with her foot, hitting him as hard as she could in the chest. She felt her lips quirk at the distinct sound of cracking. “You think because the Councilmen don’t act that it’s okay? I’m here to correct that mistaken view of yours.”
She leaned down, her eyes becoming bright purple. She felt mildly proud of herself, not having lost complete control yet. Her skin rippled from the amount of rage and magic that ran through her.
“Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed teaching a lesson as much as I do now.” She smiled as she reached down, grabbed him by the throat and pulled him up. “After all, we’re the very people you seek to harm here. Witches who aren’t weak, who aren’t easy, and we never, ever stop hunting down those like you.”
She lifted him higher, enjoying the pain on his face. “They were just girls, little girls with no one to love them, and you…You sold them to that monster,” she screamed, breathing hard.
Her nails lengthened, piercing into Madum’s throat as his veins popped through his skin. Her hatred tainting her magic as it pulsed into him.
Sabina’s voice grew rough and inhuman. Her anger dissipated as the Witches nature that ran through came to light while her humanity took a backseat, she smiled. “Let this monster who straddles shadow and light, teach you pain,” she hissed.
She pulled him close but removed her hand. Her magic kept him in place as she grasped his head in both her palms. Her gaze stared deeply into his.
She continued,“Bring darkness into the light, and bind his nightmares in iron. Bleed the soul from him and let his skin rot to feed the maggots below. Yet still no death will come for him until the wolf babe howls at the sun. So, mote it be.”
“So, mote it be,” her sister and cousin repeated, their magic reached out to hers and created a knot of the black curse overhead. The sound of nature stilled as the moon and stars shook as they performed their rite.
Her heart pounded in her ears as her lips parted. The screams of her victim hadn’t reached her ears as she felt the tendrils of magic born inside her coming to life. The wisp of smoke curling in the air before. With a final lash at the air, black light shot out from within her and leapt into the eyes of her victim.
Spent, she staggered back and released him as he continued screaming. He hit the ground, scratched at his face as his body writhed in pain. He tried to physically stave off the curse, but there was nothing he could do. His struggles were futile. His body rolled in the dirt but the dark mass screeched and continued to burrow its way inside him. Mudam’s skin bulged as the mass wriggled deeper.
And soon, his mouth opened and nothing, but black creatures fell out. Their black hands outreached for him. Mudam screamed as they attempted to devour him.
“Stop struggling and die,” Lanias said as she appeared in front of Sabin. She lifted her gloved hand and whispered a few words and what followed was the roar of wind as the space between her and Mudam opened absorbing the wriggling mass. With a click of her tongue the open abyss closed with a soundless click.
The place where Mudam had previously lain was now empty save for two ownerless arms. Turning around Lanias brushed her hair back. “Well, I think we’re done here. Let’s go home.”
Sabina could only pat her chest and thank god it was her last night doing this dangerous work.
Moving On
YEAR 2022
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Sabina rolled her eyes. She tried to focus more on not tripping down the steps of the courthouse. She was wearing the shoes her older sister had forced on her. Now she had to perform a balancing act on the five-inch dagger-like heels.
Her husband Derek had asked her the question at least twenty times over the past year. He’d called her several times, trying to win her back over.
“It’s a little late to ask that, don’t you think?” she said as she brushed her shoulder length curls back.
“But what about Kahlia? She’s too young to be without her dad.”
She stopped and whipped around to glare at her husband. And immediately hated herself for the flutter in her belly she felt from the sight of his handsome face. Derek had always been handsome, and she’d been shocked when he’d showed his interest in her. Their first year of university, she’d been attached to him like a barnacle. Which had led to Kahlia, and Sabina leaving school behind.
Yeah, her husband was still handsome and fit. And frankly, she would have stayed with him. However, he’d broken not only her heart, but her pride and trust. She had to give it to him. Derek never did anything by halves.
Hardening her heart, she lifted her chin. “Well, unless you’ve decided to completely ditch your family. I won’t keep her away from you.”
He frowned, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Sabina don’t be dense. I mean it, she won’t understand why she can’t stay with me. You’ll have to not only deal with finding a place, but with working.” He shook his head and clicked his tongue. “You’ll be hard pressed to even glance her way.”
“Derek,” she said his name with a hard edge. “I know you think that I’m some idiot, after all.” She motioned to his body. “You thought I didn’t know about the three woman you fucked the entirety of our marriage.”
“Now, Sabina.”