Page 5 of Raijin
“No.” She glared at him, not caring that her voice was now raised. After everything she’d gone through, and all the times he’d made her feel stupid, fat, and worthless, she wasn’t going to stand here—with her maiden name reinstated—and take his shit. “I’ve spent our marriage thinking there was something wrong with me. Was I too stupid, too fat, or too plain wrong for you? You made me feel that way, and your family made me feel that way. Yes, my family isn’t wealthy, and yes, my sister runs a bar house, but the one thing we always kept was our word.”
She took a step up the steps, giving up a silent prayer that she didn’t fall over. “You couldn’t even keep that for a month. I gave you the benefit of a doubt the first time, because we were young. And then two years later you did it again. I didn’t say anything then because I had gained weight. It had to be because I was too fat to please you. As your mother so graciously pointed out,” she spat, feeling heat rise up her neck. She could feel her voice rising “Now, now. This time you brought that hussy into my house. Around my child. How dare you?”
She was experiencing it all over again. If she hadn’t forgotten the cupcakes in her car, she wouldn’t have ever discovered the woman and her husband in their bed. He had fucked that bitch in her house.
She had felt her mouth go dry when she realized through the cloud of pain that her daughter—who’d been waiting for her dad to take her to kindergarten—was still seated in the living room. While her farther got a quickie with some stranger in their house, her daughter was sitting in the living room watching cartoons.
Taking a deep breath, Sabina felt the painful sparks on her fingertips. Even after all these years of controlling it and hiding it, the magic inside of her reacted to her anger. This moment tested all those years of control. She swallowed.
“Derek, it’s over. You can now go fuck any woman that catches your eye in peace. Kahlia and I will do fine without you.” Without another word, she turned and marched the rest of the way down the steps.
Sabina could only feel relief as she left her now ex-husband on the steps. That part of her life was over. She reached into her back pocket and pulled her phone out. Texting Lanias driver, she waited for him to come. She was determined to regain the identity she’d left behind.
Suddenly inspired, Sabina text her sister letting her know she’d be coming to work. She needed something else to focus on. Just as she sent the text, the sound of her name had her looking up to find Lanias driver waving at her. She returned her phone to her purse, ran over to the car and opened the door, instead of the drivers bright hello. Sabina was greeted by the news on the radio.
“The Veil is being hit by a wave of terror once again as the remains of witches are being found in the human world. During this trying time Councilman Legolas has stepped forward and requested that a special team investigate the issue. Namely the notorious Jackals, who stirred up discussion when the members were revealed to be inmates of the infamous Bowels Prison—.”
“Sorry,” the driver turned off the radio, “Where will I be taking you today Ms. Clark?”
Distracted, Sabina got in and closed the door. “The Shade.”
He nodded, pulling off.
Sabina tried to forget what she’d heard and focus on her plans for the rest of the day.
Thick smoke filled the dark gambling room. The acrid smell of cigarettes mixed with the smell of coffee. The two scents tickled Raijins noise as he leaned back in his seat. His thick black hair covered his forehead as the hair at the top of his high fade was long. The lower half of his face was covered by a black mask made of a mixture of leather and wire giving him an oppressive appearance hiding his handsome Asian features. His large frame caused the chair to creak every time he moved.
His attention was focused on the dealers’ hands as they shuffled the cards. There hadn’t been much time given to him and his men for rest. So, the minute they’d been given the clear, he’d left Veil City to spend time with the humans he felt the most comfortable with.
Hearing a loud noise, he glanced over at the other table and watched as two men at the blackjack table started fighting. Both pulled off their shirts and jackets to display their intricate yakuza tattoos. Their yells of garbled Japanese added excitement to the air as others started taking bets.
Silently he turned his eyes back to the cards he’d just been dealt, reaching out he lifted the corners of his card. “Eight, Nine and Three. What a shitty hand.”
The dealer who heard his words, tensed up, met his gaze and sent a nervous glance to the other men who were seated at the table. “S-senior?”
Placing his cards back down, Raijin tapped his right pointer finger against the table. “When did Yagi stop disciplining his men?”
The others at the table stiffened and hurriedly stood bowing to him. The oldest one with grey sprinkled through his hair spoke first. “Senior, we’re sorry we’ll handle it immediately—.”
Raijin raised a hand cutting him off, “No, need.”
With deliberate slowness he shifted in his chair so that he faced the two-fighting men. “Hey, you two. Why don’t both of you calm down and shut up?”
One of the men realized he was being talked to, turned his attention away from the other he’d been fighting and faced Raijin. His hair was close shaven, and an ugly scar ran down the side of his face to his shoulder. “Oy, who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”
Tilting his head to the side, Raijin lifted a hand and brushed the side of his lower face mask. “…You?”
“Fuck, you think just because you’re sitting with theWaka gashirayou can talk shit to me. Ha! I only listen to theOyabun.”
The man he’d been fighting with tried to stop him, “Stop, Aki.”