Page 38 of Eva's Shelter
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. I put the ghost on that. I’m sure he’ll have a report.”
She recognized that cautious tone. He knew her well enough to realize she wouldn’t hand off something important unless she was following something else. “In the interest of preserving the peace, ask me again later, okay?”
“What? We’ve been busy with our own share of trouble.”
“What happened? Talk to me.”
“An intruder happened. Carson handled it.” Her heart still fluttered a bit—and not entirely from adrenaline. He’d had the perfect chance, and every right, to kill the man but he’d maintained his composure and given them a potential source of intel. “We’re taking a head count now.”
“Put him on.”
“He’s talking to the paramedics. I am perfectly capable of giving you the report.”
“Don’t let the paramedics go before I get there.”
“O-okay.” That struck her as a curious demand. “We’ve got pictures and I’m already running his face through the system.”
“No prints?”
“Superglue,” she explained. The application made immediate, accurate fingerprint identification impossible.
“I can find some nail polish remover.”
“No. I don’t want you anywhere near him.”
“Fine. I’ll behave. He’s conscious, but not inclined to cooperate.”
“You’ve tried talking to him?”
She frowned at the phone before she replied. “No.”
“Good. Don’t.”
“I know my limits,” she snapped.
“About time. Now put Morris on the line.”
“I may not have shot the guy, but I managed to call for the ambulance.”
“You’re a real rock star, sugar.”
She growled into the phone, knowing he’d added the sweet talk to irritate her.
“I’m on my way. You have about ten minutes to finish or hide whatever it is you don’t want to tell me about.”
“No rest for the wicked.” She held up the phone to get Carson’s attention. “It’s for you.”
He parted from the paramedics. “Ross or the sheriff?”
“Ross.” She handed him the phone. “He wants your take on things.”
Letting the men bond over the technicalities of the intruder’s attempt, she went back to her computer. Any second now she’d have the lead on Abe. Her gut instinct insisted he was the key to unveiling the real cause of this whole mess.