Page 39 of Eva's Shelter
Chapter 11
Intheden,thecomputer chimed with a result. “We’ve got a lead!” At the last second she went around the couch rather than leaping over the back like a kid on a sugar high.
But it wasn’t Bakr’s face staring back at her as she’d hoped. It was the older, supposedly deceased brother, Abraham.
“I knew it.” Elated and relieved, she just stared at his picture for a moment. The anticipation came next and she let it shiver through her. It would be a pleasure to destroy whatever Bakr was trying to pull off.
“Where are you, my friend?” When she read the location of the camera that captured his face, she had no idea how to proceed.
Not only was he in Haleswood, he’d been caught on the camera at the emergency room door. Obviously it was a willful thing as he’d looked straight into the camera. She checked the time and gasped. Less than an hour ago.
Brilliant move to stay in a place with plenty of security and help. Bakr’s team couldn’t make a move without exposing themselves. And a strange face at the hospital would create wonderful, informative gossip around town.
“Way to go, Abe.”
She sent Ross a text message to share the news and her phone rang before the ‘message sent’ icon faded.
“I’ll swing by the hospital to pick up the passenger.”
“Cool. See you soon.” She ended the call and leaped into analyst mode.
Abe being alive diverted immediate disaster, but only if they could figure out why Bakr was making a movenow.
The FBI information showed Morcos’s companies bidding on government contracts in the states. As far as Eva had been able to unravel the details following Amelia’s access within the company, Abe hadn’t known about those deals before his reported death.
The Morcos family finances were solid and the corporate records showed a hefty profit margin. She didn’t doubt the bottom line was padded with shadier deals. The Morcos were too powerful and knew too many people around the world.
During her Army career, she’d learned things that might strike her as unethical were simply the cost of doing business in a global market. Different countries operated with different rulebooks. If you wanted to make progress, you learned how to cater to the people who approved the contracts. Black and white philosophies, a pristine line between good and bad, just weren’t possible.
So why would Bakr hide his bids for contracts in the US? And why eliminate his brother? Greed was a universal motivator, but a thirst for power didn’t strike Eva as enough reason to risk his freedom and posh lifestyle.
Even with Abraham out of the way, Bakr would have to report to the board of directors as well as any criminal interests they’d been involved with.
While she worked through the information, she heard Carson dealing with the security team. She needed to thank him as soon as things calmed down. It was much easier to focus on her part of this operation knowing he had her back.
Hearing Ross’s voice at the door, she closed the cases on both laptops and walked out to greet them, only to watch Ross cross through the trashed kitchen to see the intruder.
The man didn’t utter the smallest groan while Ross demanded answers, but that changed when Ross signaled to Abraham. The intruder shouted and tried to scramble off the paramedic’s gurney. She couldn’t make out the words, but she got the impression he would’ve made some sort of a sign to ward off evil if his hands hadn’t been cuffed.
When the intruder had been silenced, Eva finally faced the man she’d let down so terribly.
“Mr. Morcos,” she said, extending her hand as Ross guided him into the den. “I’m Eva Battaglia.”
He hesitated, sizing her up before raising her hand to his lips. “It is an honor.”
How could he say that? She swallowed around the lump in her throat.
“My apologies for the deplorable behavior of my brother.”
His obvious discomfort, layered over guilt, surprised her. He was a different man than she’d researched and analyzed before that fateful mission.
“I have apologized to your man in the hospital as well.”
“I’m sure he appreciated that.” It seemed as though they’d both brought plenty of baggage to this meet. She turned to Ross. “How is he?”
“Running the nurses ragged and complaining about the coffee.”
“So he’s on the mend.”