Page 116 of Reckless Hearts
“Which is why that,” I nod at the money, “isn’t for your information. It’s for your silence.”
A shadow crosses his face. “Don’t insult me, Deimos. My information comes with my silence as a matter of course.”
“Well, let’s call that an insurance policy, then. Or you can put it into the bodily fluids cleanup fund. I’m sure that’s no small budget for this place.”
He rolls his eyes, leaning forward to shove the money back toward me. “I said no.”
I shrug. “All right.”
“So… What or who are we interested in?”
I clear my throat. “It’s a who. Two, actually. Adele and Dahlia Roy, a mother and daughter—”
“I’m well aware of who they are.”
“Specifically, I want to know who might wish them harm.”
Dante’s brows lift. Then he grins quietly as he leans back against the sofa and drums his fingers on the back of it.
“Which part of that, exactly,” I growl, “is amusing to you?”
“Bit of trouble at home, Deimos?”
It doesn’t shock me that Dante knows Dahlia is staying with me. The man isn’t just the majority owner and operator of Club Venom. He’s alsothego-to guy for behind-the-scenes intel on all of New York City. I would be shocked if hedidn’thave dossiers on my entire family and their acquaintances.
So I don’t give him the satisfaction of appearing angry or surprised when he drops that, since I know that’s exactlywhyhe said it.
“Is that a yes or no to you knowing, Dante?”
He eyes me. “Itmightbe a yes.”
I exhale with a loud huff. God, I hate the fucking cloak and dagger games these self-declared “mysterious types” enjoy playing.
“Am I keeping you from something urgent, Deimos?”
“Yes—you’re keeping me from being literally anywhere else but your stupid fucking club. Do you have an answer or not, and could wepleasedrop the secret handshakes and decoder ring bullshit? I thought you said you had a busy night.”
He frowns at me, then shrugs. “Fine. You’re aware of their connection with the late Nasser El-Sayed?”
“I am. And yes, I’ve considered the possibility of people still loyal to him seeking revenge—”
“Wrong.” Dante shakes his head. “It’s not anyone from El-Sayed.”
“You seem very sure about that.”
“Yes. Because I know Adrian Cross spent ten years hunting down anyone who’d ever even shaken hands with Nasser and exterminating them to make sure no one would ever come for his wife, Celeste, not to mention Adele and Dahlia.”
I lift a brow. Well, that’s interesting. I’ve only met Adrian Cross in passing here and there in London. Now I suddenly think we may have more in common than I thought.
“One of Cross’ enemies, then?”
Dante shakes his head. “Unlikely. And besides, these days, the Cross family has made peace with anyone who could actually pose a real threat to them. Any enemies Adrian’s got now are small time, and could never pull off something that bold. I mean I assume Adele Roy has plenty of security, given her wealth. And Dahlia…” He smiles lasciviously. “Well, she’s gotyounow, doesn’t she?”
I don’t humor him by taking the bait.
“There’s a rumor that Drazen Krylov—”
“—is actively trying to pressure some of the companies currently in limbo between Adele and her estranged husband into selling. Yes, I know. Drazen might be a lunatic…” He smirks at me. “I can only assume you two are close?”