Page 117 of Reckless Hearts
“Everyone’s a comedian these days.”
Dante grins sourly. “Drazen is a force to be reckoned with. And crazy. But one thing he’s not is stupid, and he’d know that going after Adele or her daughter would bring down the wrath of Adrian Cross. The Krylov Bratva is just getting a toehold here in New York. Drazen doesn’t need that kind of heat.”
He shrugs. “So nothing. That’s all I have.”
I scowl. “You’re asking me to believe that the famous spymaster of New York doesn’t have an answer?”
Dante casually sips his drink. “Hey—you win some, you lose some.”
My lips curl. “Is it that you honestly don’t know, Dante, or is it that you simply don’t like me.”
He chuckles. “This isn’t my world, Deimos. I’ve got information on Adrian Cross, and you, and most if not all of the other major players. But Adele Roy runs a fucking charitable foundation, not a mafia family. I don’t bother to keep track of civilians like that.”
He smiles coldly at me.
“But for what it’s worth, I also don’t like you very much. And Idefinitelydon’t like you sitting in my club like a fucking time-bomb.”
I make a “tick tick” sound with my teeth as I wag a finger back and forth like a metronome. Then I finish my drink and stand.
“Well, this has been an enchanting evening, Dante. Let’s never do it again, shall we?”
“Stay the fuck away from Venom, Deimos. Next time, not even your brother will get you through the front door.”
I’m halfway to the door to his office when he stops me.
I chuckle incredulously, turning to him. “Excuse me?”
“Apologize, for being a psycho little fucker who scared my investor’s niece half to death, and I’ll give you one thing.”
“What sort of thing?”
He smiles. “Oh, trust me, it’s a good one. The kind of string I believe you’re especially good at pulling on.”
My teeth grind. Dante smiles widely.
“Come on now, Deimos. One little apology, and you get one step closer to protecting that co-worker turned roommate of yours.”
He’s enjoying this, the little shit. I make a mental note to royally fuck with his life at some point down the road. Then I clear my throat. “Sorry,” I grunt.
“Good night, Deimos.”
Oh myGod, this fucking guy. I take a deep breath.
“Dante, I apologize for thinkingallsexual tastes were indeed welcome at your establishment, and for misreading the verbal cues from that young woman. For what it’s worth, I never touched her.”
“No, you just literally scared her badly enough for her to piss herself,” Dante mutters.
I can’t help it. I chuckle quietly.
“But fine,” he grunts. “Apology accepted.”
“Do I get my cookie now?”
He drums his fingers on the couch, eyeing me coolly.