Page 12 of The Almost One
Looking over at Enzo as we walk through the door and into the grand hall, I mouth, “Get me Elizabeth on the phone, now.”
“I’ll take care of it,” I repeat, trying to stay cryptic like my father taught me. ‘Never speak freely on the phone, son.’
“Her family is upset about your last conversation with Eric at the Christmas Eve party.” His voice is tight, like he’s reeling in his irritation at the whole situation—one my parents instigated by promising the Ambrosios that our families would be united. Now, I have to clean up the fucking mess I created when I fell in love with River and didn’t give a fuck who knew or what consequences I had to face. It’s why a long engagement wasn’t an option. The Ambrosios were planning a lavish wedding and once I found River, it was imperative I put a stop to it all. With the added benefit of having the woman I’ve pined over, irrefutably mine.
She’s worth it.
She’s worth everything.
“Maybe they shouldn’t have raised such an asshole.” The Italian word for asshole isstronzo, and it’s a great, strong-sounding word with hard consonants and masculine intent.
“Watch your language. Your mother has you on speaker phone.” I try not to laugh but a chuckle escapes anyway. My mother refuses to not be in the loop and a conversation with her children without her hearing it is unacceptable.
“Ciao, Mamma.”
For the next five minutes, I listen and respond to my mother’s excitement about this thing or another, reassuring her that River and I are, indeed, joining them in the Hamptons for Easter. That is, until my entire focus hones in on the tall, broad figure that’s walking up to the hotel entrance.
“Son, just remember, whatever you choose to do, we stand with you. Keep your head on your shoulders and don’t be too quick with your temper.” I’m listening to my father’s words and registering the urgency of his meaning, but I find it funny how he’s talking about my temper just as Kai Briggs struts into my fucking hotel like he owns it.
“Baci, Mamma. I have to go.” I don’t hang up until they both say their goodbyes, but my mind is already finding the hundred and one different ways that can I make this fucker scream without actually killing him.
Not that I don’t want to, but it would upset River, and that’s unacceptable.
“I believe you’ve walked into the wrong renovation job.” Sliding my hands into the pockets of my slacks, I play the role of nonchalance. I keep my emotions in check and study his body language, the tone of his voice, the intent behind his words.
“Nice place. A bit too lavish for us though.” He’s dressed exactly as one would expect him to be while working construction. Dirty from head to toe, with shit kickers he didn’t bother to stomp at the entrance. Little prick.
“By ‘us’ you mean your work crew?” I know exactly who he means but, again, I’m trying to be a gentleman by not ripping his head right off.
“My family. Everest, Petal,River.” I notice he leaves out his wife’s name and I’m not sure if it’s because he doesn’t quite consider her family or because she would absolutely love staying in a place like this.
With a chuckle, I lower my head and raise my eyes at him, my smirk fully in place at the bullshit he just spewed.
“Right, right. So, what can I do for you, Kai? Looking to spend a couple of nights with your wife? I’m sure I could get you a good price on the honeymoon suite.” I shrug like it’s no big deal. “I know the owner.”
“Cut the shit, Marco. I saw you the other day with that redhead and I may have fucked up with River,”—I feel Enzo walk up behind me by the violent energy he gives off when any type of threat is close—“but I’ll be damned if I let you hurt her.”
Raising my hand to stop Enzo from doing anything rash, I cock my head to the side and take a step closer to the man standing in front of me. Where he has me in width, I tower in height, but to his credit, he doesn’t back down, which tells me he’s serious about wanting to protect my wife.
Too little, too late though, isn’t it?
“I can assure you, River is not and will never be hurt by me in that way.” He scoffs at my words until I shut it all down. “Why would I ever look elsewhere when I have perfection at the tip of my fingers?”
His posturing falters just enough for me to see it. Because, yeah, he let her go. He fucked up and will regret that move for the rest of his life.
“I’m watching you.”
“I’ll be sure to offer you some binoculars for your next birthday.”
Kai’s lip actually curls at my sarcasm. “I’m warning you, Mancini, I will protect her at all costs.”
Hmm, where was that promise when she really needed you?
“That, right there, Kai Briggs, shows me you don’t know her.” Kai steps closer, his jaw clenching, but knowing damn well this isn’t a fair fight. “River doesn’t need your protection. She needs your support. She’s a queen not a princess.”