Page 13 of The Almost One
He points his index finger at me for good measure, provoking a growl from Enzo before taking a step back and walking away.
Young pups. They don’t understand the subtlety of a good threat.
“I’d end him, but I don’t need River pissed off at me.” My head snaps to the right, my gaze searching Enzo’s features.
“Since when do you care what River thinks? I thought you didn’t like her?” I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of people Enzo truly trusts.
“I like her just fine.”
I grin at him, because that’s practically a declaration of brotherly love coming from him.
“Good to know.”
Other than spending last Sunday with Ev and Petal, I’ve kept my mind focused on work and Marco since what happened in my apartment. I know I’ll never be the same again, but I also know I’m learning to live with what I’ve done. And for once, I’m not trying to do it alone.
Marco Mancini has opened up a whole new world to me, and while it’s scary sometimes, I’m never actually afraid when I’m with him. I’ve found a new side to myself that I never imagined I needed.
Yes, I’m a murderer twice over now, which is fucked up beyond all belief, and I probably have something very wrong with me to not be in pieces over it all, but that’s never been amething. I’m not completely unfeeling though. I allow myself a few moments every day to feel the shame before picking myself up again and moving on, reminding myself that I didn’t choose these outcomes.
I am asurvivorof these outcomes.
Marco has this way of encouraging me to thrive. He is a controlling asshole most of the time, but even then, I hold all the cards. It’s a heady feeling, knowing that this powerful man would go to his knees for me if only I ask. And I don’t take that lightly. Not anymore.
I know I’ve been trying to deny my own feelings—very unsuccessfully—but with every passing day, my walls are breaking down, and I’m realizing that doing it all on my own isn’t what I want anymore. Polly was right when she told me about finding the other half of your soul.You’ll never be the same again once you’ve found them.
The rumble of the Aston’s engine as we pull off from a stop sign brings me back to the here and now and I smile as Marco gently squeezes my hand on his thigh before bringing it to his lips and kissing my knuckles.
He doesn’t speak or take his eyes from the road, but the simple gesture is everything to me in this moment. It’s as if he has a sixth sense capable of tapping into my thoughts.
This time last year, the idea of being this way—for real—with anyone was akin to finding a giant golden unicorn in the street. But now… that giant golden unicorn is driving me in his red Aston Martin to stay with his parents in the Hamptons for Easter weekend.
I haven’t told him with my words how I feel yet. For one, fucking with him is one of my new favorite hobbies, and second, it hasn’t felt like the right time. It’s a big-ass deal for me to say those three little words to anyone who isn’t my family, and it’s only these last couple of weeks I’ve admitted it to myself. I know he’s still keeping some secrets from me, but I’m hoping that he comes clean sooner rather than later.
In fact, I plan on confronting him once this weekend with his parents is over. Get everything out in the open, once and for all. Complete honesty from both of us about everything. Well, not everything. The secrets I have with Lina are hers to tell.
“We’re here, Tesoro.”
Marco cuts the engine and gets out of the car while I take a deep breath, because meeting his parents at a party in passing was fine, even spending some time with them on our wedding day was fine, but spending the whole weekend with them? Yeah, a girl needs a breath. The passenger door is open before I can exhale and Marco leans in to unbuckle my seatbelt, taking the opportunity to smell and nip at my neck.
“Hey!” I slap him away and he chuckles lowly as he stands, reaching out his hand to help me out of the car. Not that I need it, but I’m guessing he’s playing the part of the perfect gentleman, seeing as the front door of the beautiful house is now open and his mom is heading in our direction.
She envelops him in her arms before pulling back to kiss each of his cheeks as she greets him. Then she sets her sights on me. A comforting feeling of home sets in with her arms around me, and suddenly some of my anxieties about being here fall away. It’s quite the welcome, but Mrs. Mancini has always been really friendly toward me.
“It’s been so long since my boy’s come to stay with us for a holiday. I always knew he just needed a woman’s hand.Grazie, River.” She winks at me as she pulls away and begins walking back toward the house. “I’ve had the guest house prepared for you, but first, you’re coming inside with me. Your Papà is on the back porch with the dog.”
Marco chuckles beside me, reaching out to take my hand in his. “You ready for this,Tesoro?” He’s smirking and I know this is a rhetorical question. Whether I’m ready or not, this is happening. Three days and two nights. At least we’ll be in the guest house and not technically under the same roof as Marco’s parents. Silver lining and all that.
“As I’ll ever be.” Rolling my eyes, I smirk right back at him.
The afternoon sunlight shines through the blanket of trees surrounding us, giving Marco’s golden skin a stunning glow and lighting up the smile on his annoyingly perfect face.
A tiny dark-brown Pomeranian pitter-patters across to us when we enter the living room attached to the back porch by large sliding glass doors.
“Hey, little guy.” No hesitation, I let go of Marco’s hand and bend down to fuss over the little fluffy dog who is currently sniffing my ankle.