Page 16 of The Forever One
“Are you two okay?” She runs to Enzo, gives him some water and rubs some of the dirt away from his forehead and cheeks. He watches her, his dead eyes acutely fixed on her face, reading her every move like a hawk with a lie detector. I’m trying not to pass out, the only thing keeping me awake is my need to save myself so I can save River.
“Oh, Marco. I’m so sorry. I had no idea…” She glances at Enzo with a look of pity in her eyes, and he bares his teeth at her like a feral animal whose pups have just been threatened. “I just… here, have some water, you’re burning up.” She gives me water as well and wipes down my face with a clean cloth. Her next gasp jolts me awake again. “Your arm hasn’t been cleaned or properly looked after? I think it’s infected.”
In my fuzzy head, I’m telling her a lot of things like, “No shit, Sherlock,” but I’m just too tired to respond so I narrow my eyes at her, making sure to put every ounce of my anger into them.
“Of course it hasn’t. Wait here.” She stands, glances at Enzo then back at me again. “Right, right. I’m sorry, this is all just very disturbing.”
“Why don’t you just cut these ropes off and we’ll take care of the rest?” Enzo voices exactly what I’d like to say, but I can’t seem to get the words out.
“I…” She turns back to the door and waits for a second before she faces us again, whispering, “There are guards outside. I can’t take that risk, Marco. I’m sorry.” I open an eye and look at her. Really look at her.
She’s perfectly put together, her dark-red hair pulled back into some type of bun at her nape, her makeup flawless. Her clothes aren’t necessarily dressy, but everything north of her chest is perfectly made. My last thought before I pass out is that there’s something incredibly suspicious about her.
* * *
When I open my eyes, the exhaustion is gone and in its place is only relief.
“River?” My voice is strong, exactly the way it should be.
“Were you expecting someone else?” I blink at the vision before me, her leather pants and halter top stirring feelings in me that need to be ignored for now.
“How did you get here?” I scan my surroundings. We’re still in the disgusting barn, but Enzo is nowhere to be found. “Where’s Enzo? Did you untie him?” River’s laugh is like a balm to my soul. It heals all of my pain and gives me hope that things will be just fine, even if it’s all going to end in a bloodbath.
“I didn’t realize your fantasies included your sister’s lover as a prop. I wonder if there’s a name for that kink.” I’m so fucking confused. What the fuck is she talking about?
That’s when I notice the crop in her hand, just as she raises it to my chin and slides it down my chest.
My very naked chest.
“You look good all tied up, Husband. It makes me want to do dirty, filthy things to you.” All thoughts of anything else fly out the window and my entire focus is only on her.
“I’m not a fan of being tied up, Tesoro. I’m the one in control. You know this.”
“Not right now.” Her crop slaps me on the cheek and I growl like a caged animal. “Hmm, I love it when you get feral, it always gets me so fucking wet.” I pull at my restraints but the rope just bites into my skin, shooting an electric bolt of pain up my arms and into my shoulders.
“Come closer, Wife, so I can taste you. Prove to me how wet you are.” River’s playfultskwreaks havoc on my body. I want her close, I need to feel her warm skin, feel her trembling body under my touch.
“We should do this more often, you know?” Her words confuse me at first until I realize she’s talking about the dominatrix game she’s playing.
“It’s not my thing, Tesoro. It doesn’t turn me on.” River’s eyes slowly trace a path down my chest and belly until she reaches my crotch, where my tented pants are calling me a fucking liar.
“Your dick begs to differ.”
I grin and cock my head, my eyes drinking her in. “My dick gets hard at the mere mention of you, so it shouldn’t be trusted with any type of decision making.” Licking my lips at the sight of her suddenly getting undressed, I can feel my cock getting impossibly harder.
“I’m not going near that thing.” I frown, raising a brow at her.Why would she say that?
“Are you planning on getting yourself off without me?”
River comes closer, her heat caressing my already-burning skin.
“I could, but I’d much rather use your face.” Next thing I know, we’re lying in our bed at home, the comforter soft and clean, my arms free from the ropes and my wife straddling my chest with her wet heat marking my flesh.
The moment her pussy covers my mouth, I devour her. I lick her folds, biting the plump flesh and kissing it all better. Raising my hands to her ass, I pull her closer and kiss her juices from deep inside her, delving my tongue in as far as it will go and growling at the taste of her. She’s delicious, my very own addiction coating half my face.
The pads of my fingers dig into her ass cheeks as I separate them and push a finger inside her ass, reveling in the sound of her throaty moans dancing around my ears.
“Fucking you is the best part of my day.” I’m not sure how I’m able to speak with a mouthful of her pussy, but as the thought enters my mind, it also fills my ears.