Page 17 of The Forever One
“Today is going to be a special day, indeed, Marco. One you’ll never forget.” She sounds so clinical, so determined. It’s strange, to say the least.
I try to pull her off me but I can’t. I have no strength, my fingers barely able to latch onto her. I’m practically choking on her pussy and any other time I’d be loving the feeling but right now, something feels off, not palpable somehow.
“Come on, Marco!” River’s words are accompanied by a slap to my face and I’m not sure what shocks me the most; her slap or the actual pain on my cheek.
“What the fuck, River?” I reach out and grab her around the neck, squeezing harder than I probably should, but it all feels off. Her neck isn’t the smooth column that I remember. The width is bigger, the smell of her skin missing the sweet hints of jasmine.
“Get him off me!”
My eyes snap open and everything delicious about River is replaced by nothing shy of a nightmare.
My head swivels and all I see are the stone walls of my Medieval prison and instead of choking River, my fingers are wrapped around some guy’s throat, my head at an awkward angle as it leans back over the chair, hair dripping wet.
“Marco, let him go or I’ll have to tie you back up again.” The familiar cold pressure at my temple tells me I’ve got a gun to my head. Snarling at the man, and at Elizabeth as she rubs my hair dry, I release him and smack the gun barrel away from my face.
“What the fuck is going on? Where’s River?”
With a threatening glare, Elizabeth forces the guy to back off. “I can take care of this.” Her words grate on my nerves and make my skin crawl just as I begin to get my bearings back. Enzo, still sitting on the ground, narrows his eyes, trying to tap into some kind of conversation with me. But fuck, my mind is too weak, the throbbing pain keeping me from concentrating.
“She’s fine, I think.” Her sweet tone isn’t as meek as earlier and there’s something off about her demeanor. “But for now, you just need to concentrate on us.” As she runs a comb through my hair, I apply pressure to my shoulder, wincing, but not struggling from the pain, my arm is still throbbing but I’m not blinded by it. The sling, though, is new and holy shit, I’m wearing a fucking tuxedo?
“It’s your big day, Marco. Or should I say, big day… again?” Motherfucking Ugo walks in with his father, Giuseppe, in tow, and I bolt from my seat, lunging at his throat, my teeth bared and begging for bloodshed. Before I can even make it to him, I’m clotheslined at the throat and slammed against the wall, a gun pressing against my forehead for the second time today.
“I will fucking slice you open from one end to the other, you piece of worthless shit.” At the sound of Enzo’s voice, my head snaps to the other side of the barn, making my fury rise. It takes no less than two burly henchmen giving it their best to hold Enzo down. My second in command may be smaller in size, but his fury is bigger than us all.
“Here’s how it’s going to go.” Ugo’s voice rings out and I swear to fuck it makes my blood boil. “You will both calm the fuck down or else Lina will be the least of your worries. Although, she wasn’t all that good, you know? A bit of a dead weight.” Enzo and I both lunge again, our target standing confident and at a safe distance. One guy clocks Enzo in the back of the head with the butt of his gun while two others force me back to my chair and, despite the fight in me, lack of consistent nourishment has me at a disadvantage. The asshole to my right makes quick work of the rope and all too soon, I’m a prisoner again, my hands tied to the arms of the chair and my ankles bound together. Baring my teeth at Ugo, it takes every ounce of my willpower not to lash out, reminding myself that I have no idea where my sister and my wife are being held prisoner, so I need this fucker to talk. I need to leverage his narcissism to get information.
“You’ve got me, Ugo. Let River and Lina go, they’re of no use to you.”
Pushing his hands into the pockets of his pristine slacks, he cocks his head and raises a brow at me like I’m a little slow and not functioning on all cylinders.
“You’re right, River means nothing to me. In fact, I wanted her dead, but you know what a drama queen Eleanor is? She wanted to make this a big show and, since we needed her cooperation, well, here we are.” He nods to the guy beside me, who leaves my side and begins to follow Ugo out. Watching his every move, I don’t miss the wink he throws his sister and the tiny uptick of her lips.
The bitch played me. She played us all.
My eyes search out Enzo’s, the savagery behind his dark orbs a clear sign he saw the same exchange as I did.
Change of plans.
“Elizabeth,” I whisper my words, my tongue darting out to lick my dry lips. “Could you get me some water, please?” I soften my gaze for her, like we’re still on the same side, using my charm to trap her into my web of wrath.
“Of course, Marco. What was I thinking?” With Ugo gone, we’re here with two guards. Any other time, Enzo and I could have taken them out. The bigger they are, the easier it is to put a bullet in their small brains. This situation, however, is less than ideal. Although Elizabeth is playing the game, her sharp scrutiny tells me she doesn’t trust me. Smart girl. I will end her the first chance I get.
She walks back with a glass of fresh water she poured from the tap in the wall. Leaning my head back so she can help me drink, I tap my tongue hard enough against the rim of the glass to spill the contents all over myself.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” I gasp before sucking air through my teeth and closing my eyes as tight as possible. This is my only chance, I can’t fuck it up.
“Are you okay?” Elizabeth places both of her hands on my cheeks, her face close, too close for my liking. “I’ve got pain medication, but you have to wait another hour before you can take it.” Christ, she’s a good actress.
“I’ll be fine, I just moved too quickly so my shoulder is killing me.” Opening my eyes again, I look everywhere but at her, playing the part of the dutiful prisoner.
“He’s got your binds too tight, I told them to be careful.” Her words are muttered but I hear them loud and clear. I won’t get another chance. The guys are talking about football, or soccer in the States, about the fact that Italy’s national team isn’t rousing any emotions so they’re only betting on the league teams. This should keep them occupied for a while. I look to Enzo, knowing full well he’s been watching me, and when my eyes dart to the two guards, he immediately gets my message.
“It’s fine.” I suck in another breath and it’s all I need to convince her.
“I’m going to loosen this rope, Marco, okay? I’m trusting you.” Our gazes meet and I fight the urge to bite her face off. Instead, my lips curve into a docile smile for her benefit only.
“I really appreciate it, Lizzie.” My coup de grace has its intended effect. I haven’t called her that nickname since we were teenagers, before I met River. Before I fell so hard my entire world turned upside down.