Page 90 of Hell Bent
Of course, but still. This was Dante’s life they were talking about. What if…
“Sage!” Jesse yelled and grabbed her by the shoulders. Sage snapped out of her shock. “Come on, he needs you now, don’t freak out on me.”
“I’m okay, I’m fine… just tell me what you need me to do.”
Jesse stepped over to the sink and began to scrub his hands and arms with soak. “Wash up. Chelle, go grab all the clean towels you can, and a set of sheets, and meet me in the main bathroom. Sage, grab the seat cushions off the couch and help me get the bathroom set up as our temporary surgical station.”
Rochelle followed Jesse in washing up and then it was Sage’s turn.
Xander came rushing into the kitchen, his face pale and etched with concern. “What can I do?”
“I need a lamp, the brightest one you can find, one of the oxygen tanks from the basement, and three stores of blood.”
Xander nodded and ran back out.
Sage bolted to the living room and grabbed the seat cushions and met Rochelle in the bathroom. They had plenty of space, but even still, they moved every item out of the way to make room on the floor. After laying the cushions down, they threw on the sheets and stacked up the clean towels nearby
Jesse entered the room and laid out his tools, gloves, vials of drugs, and gauze on the counter around the sink.
Then Xander appeared a minute later with an oxygen tank in one hand and a lamp in the other. He placed the lamp on the floor and plugged it in, then adjusted it so it shone down brightly over the makeshift bed they’d created.
“I need that blood,” Jesse barked out and Xander disappeared again.
Sage glanced at Jesse. “You keep blood on hand?”
“This ain’t our first rodeo,” Jesse replied, looking at her like she was crazy. “Ever since Wyatt got shot, we started stocking up. We avoid the hospital as much as possible. And I take care of the medical stuff, including all the dogs. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”
Everyone’s phones started buzzing and Sage checked hers.
“They’re bringing him in.”
She could barely get the words out, her throat closing over as fear and worry consumed her.
“I need you and Rochelle to help me, Sage.”
Sage looked up at Jesse and nodded. “I can do it.”
“Good, put these on.”
Jesse threw a pair of gloves at her. Then he turned and slipped on his gloves, took a syringe and plunged it into one of the many vials littering the bathroom counter.
Sage heard the door slam and the sound of heavy footsteps running down the hallway. Her heart was beating so fast everyone in the room could probably hear it.
Sonny and Jackson carried a limp and ashen-looking Dante into the room. Sage hardly recognized him as her lover. Was that only a few hours ago?
Then she noticed all the blood…
“Clothes,” Jesse snapped and passed Rochelle a pair of scissors while the brothers laid Dante out on the cushions. “I’ll get him on the oxygen and the IV transfusion.”
Jesse crouched down and set up Dante’s oxygen and adjusted the tubes that connected to the tank. Then he placed the IV needle in Dante’s arm for the blood transfusion.
With trembling hands, Rochelle cut Dante’s jeans, one leg at a time, as fast as she could. His t-shirt came next, until he was lying in nothing but his own blood.
Jesse moved close again and shoved a large needle in Dante’s arm, then moved on to another vial.
“Sage, take a towel and apply pressure,” Jesse calmly ordered.
She did as she was instructed, pushing down on his leg wound. Dante felt so cold and she finally looked up at his face. He was still, and so pale. His dark eyelashes fluttered but his eyes didn’t open. She would give anything, anything, to see that cocky smile of his again. And those dark eyes that had intrigued her from the very first.