Page 91 of Hell Bent
“Don’t you dare die on me, you egotistical bastard,” Sage declared. “We still have a lot more fighting and riding to do.”
Jesse plunged a needle into Dante’s leg, then motioned to Rochelle. “Grab the pressure cuff in my bag and put it around his right arm. I need you to monitor and tell me if it slips below 90.”
Rochelle got the cuff around Dante’s bicep. Sage continued to apply pressure to stem the bleeding, but the towel was soaked in red. She grabbed another and kept holding on.
“Time to go in. Chelle, what’s his pressure and pulse?”
“110 over 60 but dropping. Pulse 45.”
“Fuck. Sage, take that bottle beside me and douse the whole wound with alcohol.”
Sage took the squeeze bottle and did as directed, and finally she could see the wound clearly. The bullet was lodged not far under the skin, but blood kept pumping out.
Jesse used a pincher tool and dug into the wound. Sage gagged but refused to back away.
It probably took Jesse a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity.
Finally, he pulled out the bullet and set it aside. Then he grabbed a needle and began to close up the hole using quick but precise stitches. Sage finally looked around and couldn’t believe what she’d just witnessed. And what this crew were capable of. Jesse was as calm and skilled as any doctor that Sage had ever encountered.
“Still 110. Pulse 50.”
“He’s stabilizing, that’s good.” Jesse wiped his brow and leaned back on his heels. “We’ve done everything we can at this point. The rest is up to Dante.”
Sage stared down at her hands, trembling hard and covered in Dante’s blood.
His lifeforce was right there in her hands.
He had to wake up. He just had to.
Or Sage was going to burn the fucking world down and join him.
The next day…
Familiar voices called Dante’s name, but he couldn’t see where they were coming from. Everything was dark and hazy.
He heard shouting and swearing and then sobbing. Someone was crying.
It was Sage.
Was she all right?
He tried to open his eyes, but they were so heavy. And he was tired. Tired like he’d never been before.
The crying got louder.
“Sage?” he called out, even though he couldn’t see anything.
“I’m here. Oh fuck, I’m right here, baby,” Sage’s voice echoed in his ear, her husky notes filling him up, making his chest tighten with anticipation.
He was home.
“I’m just… gonna sleep a bit more and then… we’ll fuck when I wake up.”