Page 22 of Heartless
If anyone got in our way, we could remove them. By any means. The trials were often used as a way for students to resolve past grudges. Few students who survived the trials came out of it unscathed.
"I should know what to expect, I suppose," I said slowly. I could ask them for help, but if Chloe came after me somewhere remote, they may not get to me in time. And vice versa. Slade was right. The better prepared I was, the more chance I had of getting through the trials in one piece.
"We'll make it fun for you." Parker grinned. "By the time the trials come around, you'll be looking forward to it."
"That sounds like a big ask to me," I told him. Excuse me for being sceptical. Cynicism went hand in hand with being a Bell.
"Do you trust us?" Hunter gave me a searching look, although his tone was light.
"Yes," I said without hesitation. "Of course I do." They hadn't blinked an eye when I told them I fucked Slade in his office. Or when I included him in this meeting. It felt natural to have all three of them here. Like Slade was the final piece of our puzzle.
"Then trust us when we say we can make this good for you," Hunter said. "We've all been through the trials, we know what to expect."
"You two had each other's backs," Slade pointed out. Not accusing, just stating a fact.
"That's true," Hunter conceded. "But Reuben has a lot of enemies who would have paid to have us eliminated."
"It just so happens, we're smarter, faster and more resourceful than they were." Parker looked smug. "They were never going to catch us."
"So I may have more than Chloe to contend with." I grimaced. "My father has some powerful enemies too, including Reuben."
"Any chance Reuben would pay you to eliminate Lila and Chloe?" Slade asked bluntly.
"There's every chance he'd try," Hunter agreed. "There's no chance we'd take it."
"Does he know that?" Slade cocked his head at the twins.
They exchanged glances.
"He does," Parker said carefully. "Zeke was nice enough to fill him in on that. He's not happy, but we're still alive, so I guess he still needs us for…things."
"He wouldn't have made Zeke promise not to kill us if he didn't need us for, like Parker said, ‘things,’" Hunter agreed.
"Like potentially killing Lila and Chloe?" Slade pressed a little harder.
"Chloe maybe." Parker shrugged. "But only if we have to, not because our brother paid us to do it. If we have to choose between Lila and him, we'll choose her every time. If she needs Chloe dead, then she'll be dead." He nodded as though that was the end of the conversation.
Hunter sat forward, forearm across his thighs supporting his weight. "I know what you're trying to do. You want to know exactly where our loyalties lie. They’re with Lila. Where are yours?"
"You're the one who brought me in here," Slade pointed out.
"Answer the question," Parker said. His eyes narrowed dangerously. He smiled a lot, but sometimes it was good to remind people he was as dangerous as fuck as well.
Slade matched Hunter's pose. "In the same place. My loyalty is with her. I'd like to think the four of us are a team. With one ultimate goal. Lila's happiness."
"And giving her lots of orgasms," Parker added.
Slade sat back and smiled. "Definitely lots of those."
"Are you all done?" I asked. "Would you like a moment to pull out your cocks and compare them for size?" This conversation was gratifying and in some ways necessary, but it wasn't getting us any closer to making any plans. Not that I didn't appreciate every single one of those orgasms.
"No need, we all know Slade's is the biggest," Parker said. He didn't seem too concerned about the fact. "Mine isn't as big, but I know how to use it." He glanced over at me and grinned.
"Yes, you do," I told him. All three of them did. Better than any other guy I ever fucked.
With the possible exception of my stepbrother Zachary. The only guy, as far as I knew who both Chloe and I screwed. Thinking of him reminded me of my stepmother. She and my father weren't together for very long, but we got along well enough. When she left my father's life, she left mine as well. Only Zachary stayed in contact these days.
"Apart from the trials, what else can we be focusing on?" Hunter asked.