Page 23 of Heartless
"I've offered to tutor Lila," Slade said, looking smug. "And by that I mean actual study as well as orgasms. I'll make sure no one has any excuse to fail her."
Hunter nodded. "That's a good idea. I'd suggest you try to make friends with Dane, but I doubt he'd take the bait. If he doesn't know you're also involved with Lila, he soon will. Shame, we could have used someone keeping an eye on him. He's a slippery fucker."
"I'm sure he could say the same about you," Parker said.
"That's because I am a slippery fucker," Hunter agreed. He grinned. "I know the kinds of things we get up to, which makes me nervous. After what we did to Chloe's birth control, we can expect them to do something. They're not going to take that lying down."
"Any idea what they might try?" Slade asked. He sipped his beer, with his brow creased in a slight frown. He was sexy as fuck when he was that intense.
"Chloe likes to sell herself as the nicer twin," Parker said. "If she does something, it's going to be something subtle. Preferably something she can pin on someone else."
"That's exactly what she'd do." I sighed softly.
I hated having to be wary of my sister. I would have loved a relationship with my twin like Hunter and Parker had.
Although, if they were pitted against each other, it would get even uglier than this. They had no filter, or much in the way of a moral compass. What was the expression? Morally grey. My guys were closer to morally charcoal; so dark they were almost unforgivably bad.
To people who weren't me and now Slade anyway. I loved them all the more for it.
I’d hate to have them off side. Chloe must lie awake at night wondering what they’d do next. Honestly, I doubted there was anythingcloseto a limit to what they might pull.
Parker wrapped his fingers around mine. "Whatever happens, we’ll deal with it. She's not getting past us to get to you. And if she does, we'll deal with that too. The four of us are an unstoppable force. Sometimes for good, sometimes for evil." He grinned.
Hunter frowned at him. "When are we a force for good?"
"Whenever we have our tongues on Lila's clit," Parker retorted. "Or our hands. Or our cocks. Or a vibrator, for that matter. Any time we're giving our queen orgasms."
Hunter pointed a finger gun at him. "You have a point, bro. That's definitely good."
"Of course I have a point," Parker said. "I am the smarter twin." He pretended to fluff the back of his hair.
"In your dreams," Hunter said with a laugh.
I turned to Slade. "Do you have any siblings?" He'd been watching the conversation with a combination of curiosity and amusement. Like a guy would watch his younger siblings banter and squabble. I realised I knew almost nothing about him.
"I have two sisters," he replied. "One older and one younger. Kirsten and Darcie. They don't get along very well either."
"You went here, to Brutham?" I sat against the back of the couch and crossed my knees.
"I did, yes," he agreed. "We all did. I… I had an older brother who didn't survive the trials. He got too cocky and made too many enemies. That put a lot of pressure on us to succeed. Everyone assumed we’d be like him. But we all got through and we're stronger for it."
"What do your sisters do?" Parker asked. He pulled my feet onto his lap and took off my shoes. With his drink in one hand, he started to massage my toes with the other.
"Kirsten works with Mack D'Antonio, the businessman," Slade said slowly. "Darcie works for the twins' brother, Caleb. They're both ambitious and career driven."
I nodded. I'd never met either man, but I knewofthem. If Slade's sisters worked with or for them, then they were as up to their eyeballs in this lifestyle as I was. None of which I could or would judge them for.
Although, neither were fans of my father, so we may end up rivals someday. Or, if I had my way, we'd merge everything Bell with everything Brantley. If we could achieve that, we'd be virtually unstoppable. Above every law and government. Rich beyond most people's wildest dreams.
"How receptive are they going to be when they learn about your current situation?" Hunter turned his pointer finger around in the air in a circle, to gesture to all of us.
Slade shrugged indifferently. "They'll deal with it or they won't. That's a bridge I'll worry about when we get to it. But on a woman to woman level, they'll adore Lila. They love women who are as tough, independent and smart as they are. If nothing else, they will respect you." He nodded to me.
"They better," Parker growled. "Lila deserves all the respect she can get."
"And then some," Hunter agreed.
I sipped my drink and smiled at them. They were right. Whatever Chloe threw at me, we'd be ready for it. How could I not be with three incredible, hot guys on my side.