Page 24 of Heartless
"Where the hell are we?"
We were at least an hour from Brutham Academy, deep in the bush. We could bring people out here, bury them and they'd never be found. On the other hand, neither would we if we got stuck out here.
"This is where the trials are held," Slade said. "Technically only people who have been through them before, or who work at the Academy should know the whereabouts of this place. Of course, some rules are meant to be broken more than others."
"And frequently are," Parker said. "We’re not the first to bring people out here for this."
"We won't be the last," Hunter agreed. "But we are going to have the most fun."
"Getting me lost in the forest?" I eyed the trees doubtfully. The Academy was situated in a nice setting, with countryside all around it, but I was a city girl at heart. This kind of bushland was not the kind of place I frequented. I preferred my wildlife in the form of the three guys who stood around Slade's SUV, each looking hot and cocky.
"We are not getting you lost," Slade assured me. "You have a compass on your watch. All you need to do is head east. The location you need to reach is only five kilometres that way." He jerked his head.
"Only," I echoed. It would be slow going with heavy scrub, rocks and fuck knows what else. "It's all fun and games until I run into a yowie."
"If they exist, you won't find them here," Hunter said. "Past trials would have scared them off. You might see a fox or two, but they'll run from you." He folded his arms around me and pulled me to him. "The only predators around here are us."
"That's where the fun part comes into it," Parker said. He rubbed his hands together. "We'll give you a head start before we give chase."
A flutter of excitement passed through me. I should have known they planned something.
"What happens if you catch me before I get to the finish line?" I asked.
Parker grinned. "Whoever catches you first gets to fuck you."
"And if two of you catch me at the same time?" I asked.
"Then we both get to fuck you," Hunter said. "And the unfortunate guy that gets left behind has to watch." He sounded very certain that wouldn't be him.
Were they giving me incentive to run, or stick around and have a good time? My competitive instincts quickly kicked in, overriding any doubt or hesitation. That rush of adrenaline that lit me on fire. I wanted to beat them all. I wanted to stand at the finish and laugh at their expressions as they saw they were beaten by a woman.
"And what if I get to the finish line before any of you catch me?" I raised my chin in challenge.
"Then you win our undying admiration and we all get to fuck you," Hunter said. "It's a win-win situation for everyone."
"You're not going to be competing with each other, are you?" I asked. The last thing I needed was for them to injure or maim each other so they could keep up with me.
"If you're asking if we have dirty tricks to pull on each other, the answer is no," Hunter said. "At least, nothing specific. If I happen to trip either of them over, then so be it."
"The point of this is so you have a feel for the landscape," Slade said. "The rest is a bonus, to take the pressure off you. If we do this enough times, you'll reach the finish line within an hour or so, hopefully bypassing any trouble. The rest of the students will be busy getting lost and causing problems for each other. By the time they realise you're not, you'll be long gone."
"Not just that, but you may see places you can use to your advantage," Hunter said. "Places where you can deal with Chloe if she tries anything."
"Dane is going to bring her out here for the same reason, isn't he?" I asked.
"Highly likely," Slade agreed. "All the more reason to know where she may set traps for you."
I made a face. "Other universities just have exams." Which were their own special kind of hell. Brutham had them too, but this on top of those? It was next level torturous pressure.
"Other universities don't turn out students who are ready to deal with everything life throws at them," Hunter said. "Brutham is brutal, but those who survive are tougher and smarter than anyone else. It's easy enough to pass an exam. It's a lot harder to survive each other. Do that, and you'll be unstoppable."
"I know." I sighed. "It's just… Extreme. Who came up with this anyway? Whoever they are, they're a sadistic fuck."
All three of the guys grinned.