Page 11 of A Suite Temptation
“In fact, I’m regretting it so much, that I’m now formally retracting that statement so I can do this.” Jordan took her hand and raised it seductively to his lips, he then proceeded to kiss each one of Chloe’s finger tips in turn. One by one. Slowly.Kiss. Kiss.
Chloe swallowed deep. He had to know what this was doing to her pulse. And to her panties.
“Hi, my name is Jordan Royal. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chloe.” His voice was so rich and smoothly silk it had her legs parting in anticipation.
Jordan Royal. He hadn’t given her his full name until just now.What a unique surname.It had a certain weight about it. And it suited him.
Chloe shifted closer, one hand working the buttons of her coat free, while the other slipped her scarf from her neck. She wanted more than sweet enticing words. “Touch me. Please, Jordan.”
A gruff breath of barely restrained hunger escaped Jordan’s lips. It went straight to her core. He gently tugged the beret from her head, then casually tossed it across the limo onto the opposite seat. As her long black tresses cascaded down, settling around her shoulders, he murmured, “You are so beautiful.”
Chloe hesitated. She hated herself for feeling so needy, for wanting Jordan’s hands all over her. He moved forward, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “So damn beautiful.” His fingers speared into her hair, lighting up the nerve endings.Perfection.This was exactly how she loved being held by a man when he was about to kiss her.
The all-consuming, bone deep desire for him to kiss her threatened to scramble Chloe’s brain. Hewasgoing to kiss her, wasn’t he? She was getting dangerously close to the point of begging.
Please. I need so very badly to be kissed. It has to be you.
Chloe gripped the front of Jordan’s coat, holding him to her. Their gazes met. “I would like very much to kiss you, Chloe,” he whispered. The heated promise in his voice went straight to her already aroused sex. This was happening. And if her bodyguards tried to intervene, she would fight them both off with her bare hands.
Oh yes. Please. Please. Kiss me stupid. And don’t stop.
“Jordan,” she murmured, offering him her mouth.
When his lips touched hers, it was with such heartbreaking tenderness it brought her to the verge of tears. His kiss was soft. Slow. Dare she say, loving? Jordan had it all wrong—he was the one who was beautiful.
In the dimly lit rear of the limo Jordan revealed himself to be a man far removed from his public persona. He might give off the vibe of being all sharp edges and a man of business, but it was clear Jordan had a gentler side, one he wasn’t afraid to share with a woman. His embrace was warm, affectionate. Chloe’s heart stirred to life.
Yes. Yes. Where has this man been all my life?
His tongue swept into her mouth, and Chloe groaned. She gripped even tighter to the folds of Jordan’s gorgeously soft wool coat. It was so divinely supple, that she had to force herself not to think about his clothes and concentrate on the kiss. Talk about a scattered mind.
She wished his clothes would magically disappear.I need him naked.Sex in the back of the limo was rocketing up the charts of her to do list like a bullet. If he offered to play, she would say yes. The mere thought of his hands on her bare ass sent her pulse racing.
Jordan deepened the kiss, working his mouth and hers together in an embrace that showcased his mastery of the act. If this was how he kissed, Chloe couldn’t begin to imagine what he could do to her when she was naked and in his arms. What his skillful tongue could do to her clit. Her fevered imagination stripped her own clothes away, leaving them pressed together skin to skin.
Why did I have to wear jeans tonight, a skirt would have made it so much easier.
While she wrangled with her poor choice of wardrobe, the gentle whir of the divider screen being raised reached Chloe’s ears. Thank god for Martin and his innate sense of decency.
The driver would be politely cautioned about any sort of attempt to sell the story to the press. Her security team could be very persuasive. What ever happened tonight, they would stay silent. Chloe was confident that none of what transpired in the car would be getting back to her entourage.
She waited with bated breath for Jordan to make the next move. To slide down the zipper of her jeans and see just how far she was prepared to let him take things. To slip his hand inside and test the edges of her G-string. To discover how horny and wet he’d already made her.
I don’t want him to stop. I want his hands and lips all over me. Fuck. These. Jeans.
Chloe’s unsated hunger to be groped and pawed was fast reaching fever pitch. She wanted to feel alive. Wanted to give herself to this man. To know pleasure.
There was nothing stopping him. They were two consenting adults. And for the sort of money that the limousine company charged, she was certain they would find a fresh box of condoms in one of the small storage cupboards.
Please. Forget who I am. I’m just a girl wanting a guy to make love to her.
A sharp pain speared into her heart as Jordan’s hands slowly released their grip, and he drew back from the kiss. Chloe knew that pain. It was the all too familiar ache of rejection. She was a world-famous pop star, but she still wasn’t good enough for the people she wanted to want her.
I will never be enough for anyone.
Jordan glanced at the divider screen, then back to her. “Sorry, I got a little bit carried away. We were meant to be taking a tour of the city and seeing the sights of Berlin at night.”
Chloe reluctantly let go of his coat, her fingers drifted down his lapels then away. He didn’t want to take this any further, and he was well within his rights to say no. Just because she was famous didn’t mean she could make demands of him.