Page 12 of A Suite Temptation
No means no.
She shifted further along the bench seat, making it clear she was giving him space. “Yes, we were going to see the city. And then drop you off at your hotel.” Chloe hurriedly scooped up her beret and scarf and put them back on. She buttoned up her coat, mentally sliding her emotional armor on.
She’d learned the hard way that if people wanted to be in her life, they made it their business to be there. And when they didn’t, they tended to make it pretty damn clear. Some of her earliest memories were of doors being closed as people walked away.
With her clothes back in place, Chloe settled into polite mode, displaying the pattern of behavior that she reserved for interviews and red carpets. “So Jordan, where are you staying?” Her bland, unthreatening tone carried the right amount of ‘just friends’ interest. When her emotions protested at this sudden change of heart, she sucked in a deep breath and forced them down.
“I’m staying at one of our family apartments, it’s only a short walk from your hotel. So once we arrive at the Grand Hyatt, I can make my own way from there. You don’t need to worry about dropping me off anywhere.”
Jordan had made his position clear. They were going to go for a drive and do a little night sightseeing. Nothing else. But Chloe was intrigued. Who was this guy? There was just something about him. Something she couldn’t let go.
His family must have money if they can afford to have an apartment in Berlin. His clothes are tailored, and that coat felt super luxurious.
Chloe touched the button on the divider screen, making herself comfortable as the private space opened up once more. She and Martin exchanged a brief nod of understanding. His boss would be going back to her hotel suite alone.
“Could you please ask the driver to take us past the Brandenburg Gate?” asked Jordan. “I think Chloe would really enjoy seeing it.”
She offered him her best smile. The one she used for people who tried to let her down gently. A silent reward which was meant to convey‘thank you for thinking of me’without her having to actually say it.
“Yes, let’s go and look at the lights.”
It was time for Chloe to once again tuck her heart’s disappointment back into its glittering box. She was one of the world’s biggest pop stars, but Jordan had just relegated her to the friend zone.
Jordan’s head was a mess about the pop princess. He’d been thoroughly invested in kissing Chloe, of engaging in some serious heavy petting as they drove around Berlin. His plan was to see if she responded favorably to his advances. And if she did, to ask if she wanted to spend the night with him. He wanted nothing more than to give Chloe hours of intoxicating sexual pleasure. The mere thought of having the dark haired temptress writhing beneath him, groaning his name as she came, had his cock hard and demanding in his suit pants. She wanted him, and he wanted her.
But right in the middle of it all, his father’s voice had exploded into Jordan’s lust-filled mind, obliterating every other thought and emotion in its wake. Talk about terrible timing. Edward Royal was banging on about responsibilities and how much was riding on the company’s new Californian resort.
“I am depending on you, Jordan. There is a billion-dollar development at stake. I had to convince the board you are up to the task. But I believe in you, son. Jordan? Jordan? Why the devil are you kissing that girl? Do you even care about the opportunity I’ve given you? You don’t have what it takes to balance a relationship and work, we both know that …”
He’d done his best to push his father’s thoughts out of his head, but he’d failed. The words kept eating away at Jordan.Billion dollar.Depending on you. His father just wouldn’t shut the fuck up.
His semi-hard erection had wilted and disappeared. If he couldn’t get his father out of his head, he wasn’t going to be able to perform in the bedroom. It was with a sense of deep reluctance that Jordan released Chloe from his embrace. A man only got one chance with a woman like Chloe. Leaving the superstar unsatisfied in bed would be a sure-fire way to guarantee she wouldn’t want to see him again.
Nope, not happening.With his old man’s words still ringing loudly in his brain, Jordan wasn’t prepared to take that risk. He had an impeccable track record of being able to deliver exactly what a woman wanted in the bedroom, and he was determined to keep it that way.
If I can’t bring her to orgasm, she’ll think I’m a dud. Oh god. What if she writes a song about me?
Cold dread slid down his spine at the hellish thought of having to hear about his bedroom failures every time he tapped into Spotify. Sleeping with famous people really should come with a warning.
He’d made the right decision by bringing their passionate kiss to an end. But while his manhood might be in a weakened state, his ego was more than ready to take up arms and resume the battle.
He was Jordan Royal, the king of comebacks. The lord of second chances. He was the bloody poster boy forwhere there is life, there is hope. Just because he and Chloe didn’t end up between the sheets tonight, didn’t mean it wouldn’t ever happen.
I just need to find a way to stay in touch with her. And get Dad out of my head.
What had she said about the rest of her tour?Ah, yes.With his charm dial set to high, he turned from gazing out the window and smiled back at Chloe. “Where are you staying in Paris? If we exchange numbers, maybe we could catch up. Spend some real time together.”
* * *
Chloe’s merry little band of assistants were mercifully still out on the town when she finally made it back to her suite at the Grand Hyatt a little after four am. Marta’s text asking about the extra bottles of Dom Pérignon had been several hours ago. Knowing Marta, Gabriela, and Stixxluv the table tab would be well past that by now.
And if publicity whore Stixxluv stuck true to form he would have gotten bored and dragged the other two out of Berghain and gone in search of somewhere new to party. Somewhere that allowed him to take Insta worthy pics to share with his two-million devoted followers. He might be working with Chloe at present, but Stixxluv had his own loyal fanbase, his own groupies. The demand for him to supply them with new fashion and style material was never ending.
Chloe resisted the temptation to check her stylist’s social media. She’d be hearing every sordid detail of the night’s high and low points on the flight to Paris later that day.
As long as they don’t get arrested or end up in the hospital, I don’t care what they do.