Page 59 of Coffee & Cuffs
“Even if I come with a shitload of drama and an evil father?” Sam questioned.
“We did meet because of a drug cartel that I failed to bring down,” Carson pointed out. “I should tell you that Billy died from the drugs that the Munoz cartel supplied, and I lost my mind and went after Victor Munoz because of it.”
“Then we both have personal reasons to hate that man.”
That was true. “What do you say, baby doll? Can Daddy take care of you tonight?”
“Please.” Sam fisted Carson’s shirt with both hands. “I don’t want to adult anymore right now.”
“Perfect.” Carson kissed Sam’s neck then blew a raspberry on the soft skin.
Sam giggled and tried to jerk away but Carson captured him in his arms and then rolled them until Sam was under him, squirming.
Once his boy was laughing, red-faced and happy, Carson sat back. “Lie there, baby. Daddy is going to get a few things.”
“K!” Sam threw his arms out to the sides. “I lie here.”
He climbed off the bed and headed to the dresser where Sam kept his little stuff. Opening the top drawer, he spotted the stack of diapers that Sam kept there. If his baby didn’t want to be an adult, that worked perfectly for what he had in mind. He wanted to take care of all of Sam’s needs for the evening.
Next, Carson opened the second drawer and chose a purple silk shorts and tank sleep outfit. The material was soft and smooth and as long as they kept the heater up, it wouldn’t get too cold in the apartment.
Pleased with his choices, Carson returned to the bed where his boy remained staring at him. He set the items on the mattress then slipped off his shoes and socks and placed them under the chair in the corner. He removed his suit jacket and unbuttoned and took off his dress shirt, leaving him in his white undershirt and slacks.
“Let’s get my baby doll dressed for some playtime,” Carson said as he returned to the bed.
“Play!” Sam clapped his hands.
“That’s right, Daddy is going to play with his boy before we have din din.”
“K, Daddy!”
Carson started to remove Sam’s boots and found himself with a squirmy little. As Sam regressed, he grew sillier and happier, making Carson’s heart soar. He liked seeing this side of his boy, knowing that the events of that afternoon were far from Sam’s thoughts.
By the time that Sam was naked, Carson was already looking forward to their night and had the plans solidified in his mind.
“Daddy is going to put a diaper on his baby.” He held up the diaper for Sam to see. “You can tell Daddy if you need a diaper change, okay?”
Sam nodded as he began to suck on his bottom lip.
“Does Daddy's baby need a pacifier?” Carson asked.
Sam’s eyes widened then he giggled. “Ba ba?”
“I can make you a bottle after I get you dressed. Lift you bottom, please.”
Sam was a pro at getting diapered and dressed, not giving Carson any trouble. Sam embraced his regression without any shame or doubts. While Carson could walk a little through accepting this side of them, there was something refreshing knowing that even when Carson hadn’t been there, Sam had been true to himself. He didn’t need Carson—he wanted Carson and trusted Carson, and their needs fit perfectly.
Carson clapped his hands before offering his arms.
Sam clambered to his knees on the bed then launched himself at Carson.
Carson easily caught his baby doll then hauled him to the living room. He set Sam on the couch and covered him with a quilt from the back before strolling into the kitchen. He quickly made up a bottle of milk for Sam and grabbed himself a bottle of water before returning to where he’d left his boy.
He set the drinks down on the end table, picked Sam up then sat with Sam on his lap. Carson picked up the remote and found an old Tom and Jerry cartoon before he picked up the bottle.
“Lay your head on my shoulder. Let’s watch cartoons then you can prepare a tea party while I start dinner for us.”
“Tea party now?” Sam asked hopefully.