Page 41 of A New Era
“God, I’m such a mess.”
“Is it weird that it’s kinda turning me on?”
“Yes.” I laugh and instantly regret it. “I need to shower. Call me back when you next stop for a break or something.”
“Okay. Drink water, eat something, and get some more sleep. I’ll call Slade and get him to keep hold of Rayna another night.”
Since I’m currently still struggling to see only one of Leo on the screen, I don’t argue with him.
“Sounds good.” I lie down and pull the sheets over me.
“Love you, babe.”
“Hmm mmm, love you, too.”
I don’t know who ended the call but the silence filling the room returns and my head is grateful. I’m guessing the yard is a mess, but it can certainly wait till tomorrow.
As I try to control breathing through the headache, I try to piece the end of the night together. I have flashes of dancing and Harper falling over and then me on the grass next to her. A flash of Cas picking her up hits me. A flash of Kyla belting out the lyrics to a song I can’t quite remember also hits me. I don’t remember much but I sense it was a good night and that’s what counts.
Chapter Eleven
Isplit off from my brothers with the prospect following behind me and head for Slade’s house. Holly was in no condition to do anything yesterday. I was a little surprised she drank so much but I’m glad she had a great night.
It’s still early and when I knock at Slade’s door, I’m not surprised I wake the house.
“She’s still asleep, Leo, can I bring her by the house after she’s had breakfast?” Kristen offers but I’m here now and I want both my girls under one roof when I crash.
“It’s all good, I’ll take her now.”
Slade prepares a fresh pot of coffee while Kris deals with Rayna.
“The run went well I take it.”
“Yeah. Anything happened here while we were gone?”
“Apart from a domestic between Mason and his old lady, nothing.” He leans against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest. “Something’s off with him at the moment. Pope caught it but the boy won’t talk to him. No one asked many questions when you guys were banged up, but did something happen while he was in there?”
Shaking my head, I say, “Nothing happened that I can think of, but he did struggle with the restrictions. One time I had to let him kick the shit out of some guy just so he didn’t explode.”
“He’s always kept Aspen close, but from what I caught before she stormed out, he doesn’t want her out of his sight. Why wasn’t he on the run with you?”
“He came to me and asked to sit this one out, something about…” Fuck. “I’ll talk to him but first I need a shower and some sleep.”
Kristen brings Rayna down and she’s still in her pyjamas. Kristen hands me Rayna’s backpack and I throw it over my shoulder and scoop my daughter up into my arms.
“Daddy, I’m tired.”
“I know, sweetheart, go back to sleep.”
She rests her head on my shoulder and she’s out before I strap her into the van with the prospect. She stirs when we get home and I carry her into the house and up to her room. I tuck her in and creep out and close her door. I backtrack down the stairs and take a look out into the backyard. Holly already warned me it was a mess, and she didn’t plan on clearing up till today. I take out my phone and text the prospect. He can clean it up for her and she can stay in bed with me.
The shift in Mason weighs on my mind. If I’m honest, I saw him change over the year and a half that we were locked up. He’s never been as wild as his brother, but his frustration set in and buried deep inside him, letting it fester. My goal was for us to get out as soon as we could but looking back, maybe I shouldn’t have held the leash so tight.
Opening the door to my room, Holly’s out for the count, her bare leg thrown over the sheets and waking my dick. I undress, leaving a trail of my clothes across the floor.
She smiles as I climb in beside her, but she keeps her eyes closed as I tuck her against me.