Page 42 of A New Era
“How are you feeling today?”
“Much better,” she says sleepily. “Especially now you’re home.”
“I picked Rayna up on the way, she’s sleeping in her room.”
Like Rayna, she falls back asleep with ease and it’s not long before my mind quietens enough for me to drift off.
* * *
The sheriff’s brother is sure enough living a good, safe, life. He spends his days working as an accountant and spends his weekends surfing and living it up in the bars at night. Flipping through the photos Zach printed out, I have everything I need to see his life from thousands of miles away.
“Did he notice you at any point?” I ask Zach as he sits across from me in my office.
He shakes his head. “No, I was careful. Neen and me were the perfect tourists.”
I’m satisfied sending him across the world was worth it. To beat your enemy, you need to know everything about them.
I ask, “How was Australia?”
“It was amazing. I’m pretty sure we made baby number two.” He laughs and I join him.
I have my plan to extend my family and no jealousy runs through me hearing his own plan.
“With families growing, it’s important, more now than ever, that we get on top of everyone trying to come at us,” I say.
“The club’s behind you. We all want the same thing… our families are safe and protected. We’ll do whatever’s necessary.”
“You’re damn fuckin’ right,” I grunt and stand. “Let’s get a drink.”
Out in the bar, the brothers are relaxing after the long run, and I join Mom on the couch and kick my feet up on the table.
“I’m going to deal with Sheriff sooner or later, hopefully, sooner, watch yourself around town in case she kicks back.”
“I’m only an old lady…”
I know where she’s headed but I cut her off. “This isn’t the golden olden days, Mom. The sheriff is coming for us, and I reckon you’d be on her list to worm her way in. Just watch your back.”
If I were a fed or the sheriff, I would target her. It wouldn’t take much time and effort to see she’s the one who’s at the top of everyone and has been her whole life.
“Is this you warning me as my son, or as president?”
“Does it need to be an order?” I retorted.
“Of course not.”
My mother has a wicked smile when she agrees to something but deep down knows she’ll do whatever she wants anyway. I’m not too worried, it was rare she went against my dad, I can’t see her changing her ways now.
“Holly said her old ladies' night went well. Do you agree?”
“That old lady of yours is going to do good. The night was a success, and it was the first time I’ve truly seen her out of her comfort zone.”
It warms me to hear it. Holly is more than comfortable in her own company, but I know she misses socialising. A part of me wishes she knew who I used to be, and I wish I knew who she was before her kidnapping. But I settle for us knowing each other for who we’ve become. Who we are today.
“She’s stronger than she lets herself believe,” I say.
“She’s finding herself again, don’t you doubt that. Time can be your enemy, but it can be your best friend, we know that better than most. She just needed longer to heal, and she is. I’ll keep my eye on her, but I don’t think I’ll need to for long.”
Myles leans in the bar door and hollers, “Leo, we’ve got bikers approaching, but can’t see their patches.”