Page 43 of A New Era
Kissing my mom on the cheek, I haul myself up to my feet and head outside, lighting a cigarette along the way.
By the time I reach the gate, the prospect says, “Lost Souls.”
Knowing trouble isn’t riding toward us, I inhale deeply on the cigarette and order the prospect to open the gate.
“We weren’t expecting other chapters for a few more days,” Myles says as if I’m not aware of that fact.
“Go get my dad and Sparky,” I instruct.
This will be my first time as president meeting with other chapters, but I know my dad’s presence will ease the initial first moments. I don’t personally give a fuck, but it will make my life easier which I do give a fuck about.
Wyatt, the Southern Chapter President is first to ride in, followed by his VP, Creep. I recognise Jonah and Cookie as they ride in after them. The first three with women on the back of their bikes. I notice none of them have any bags or a prospect following behind. And I was expecting more brothers.
The prospect walks ahead and shows them where to park and I walk toward Dad as he comes around the bar with Sparky.
“They’re early. Expect a reason that’ll cause a headache,” he warns me without missing a beat.
“Already expecting one. There’s only four of them.”
“Look lively, here we go,” Sparks says under his breath, and I turn to Wyatt approaching us.
“I thought it would be a long time yet before I saw you wearing your father’s patch,” he says, pulling me in for a second-long hug.
He steps back and I shake hands with Creep. I clock the disarray about them, and I ask, “Where’s the rest of ya?”
Wyatt’s shoulders sag and his fatigue shows. “Can we get our old ladies settled and then talk?”
Over his shoulder, they look just as tired as the brothers.
Mom appears with Holly, and I pull Holly under my arm. “This is my old lady Holly. Babe, this is Wyatt and Creep. And over by their bikes, is Jonah and Cookie.”
Wyatt holds his hand out to shake hers and I feel her tense as she takes his hand and then Creep’s. I watch them glance at her gloves, but like I promised her, anyone who’s anyone, truly won’t give a shit.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” she says, and Wyatt calls over his old lady.
The woman Creep rode in with joins her. Wyatt slides his arm around the blonde-haired woman’s waist and introduces her. “This is Orla.” And Creep says, “This is my old lady, Wendy.”
Wyatt looks over his shoulder and says, “The chick with Jonah is Beth and as usual, there isn’t a woman alive who could handle Cookie.”
I don’t know these guys as well as my Willow’s Peak brothers, but I’ve met them many times over the years, but I know Cookie is named as such because he’s seen as soft and sweet, but underneath he’s a fucking psycho.
“As usual, you’re a sight for sore eyes, Alannah. How have you been keeping?” Wyatt grins and Mom laughs lightly.
“As usual, you’re a charmer and I’m well, thank you. How was your ride?”
“Long,” he says with a sigh.
To Holly, I say, “Can you show Orla, Wendy, and Beth to the main house and set up rooms for them?”
The women walk over to the main house, and I lead the brothers into the bar. The prospect’s quick to bring over beers and everyone settles in at my table. JJ pulls out the chair beside me, and Dad on the other side. I motion for Wyatt to begin.
“About six months ago, a new gang rolled into town, calling themselves “Young Hounds”. They made themselves known rather quickly, causing trouble and just outright being assholes. We had a few run-ins with them, about thirty of them altogether. Then five days ago, they hit us hard. Our clubhouse is gone, burned to the ground, and we lost five brothers. We would’ve been here a couple of days ago, but we hung back to bury our brothers.”
Shit.My initial reaction is shock but then anger starts to simmer.