Page 91 of A New Era
“I’m saying there’s an upside to having space to ourselves. I propose that every now and then we make time for ourselves, somewhere out of Willow’s Peak. Nothing too long or even too often. Once we have babies…”
I lean up and kiss her, mainly to put her at ease.
“I agree.”
I order breakfast while Holly showers. Since Jamie Boy is covering all costs, I order everything on the menu. We dress and eat our weight in English food, talking like we’ve never really talked before. I’ve married this woman yet I’m still learning about her. And I hope it never stops.
A knock at the door interrupts the end of our meal and I answer to Jamie Boy and his wife. I know who she is from information Slade and Zach dug up on the family.
I open the door wider, and they step into the suite.
“Leo, Holly, this is my wife, Cleo,” Jamie Boy introduces us, and we all shake hands.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” his wife says, and my wife smiles brightly.
I frown. “I thought I was to meet your uncle?”
“Oh, you are, but Cleo wondered if you, Holly, would like to go shopping?”
Cleo cuts in. “London can be daunting walking around alone if you don’t know the place and staying cooped up in the hotel will probably bore you to tears, and who doesn’t like to shop?”
“I’d love to. Thank you for thinking of me.”
As Holly’s excitement grows, I regret bringing my credit card.
“Of course, and then the both of you are invited to dinner at the Manor tonight.”
“The Manor?” I ask sceptically.
“It’s my parent’s home.”
I go to politely decline but my wife is quick to accept.
“We’ll wait down in the lobby for you. Our visit with Jem is in half an hour.”
As soon as the door shuts, I turn to Holly.
“It’s our last night here and you want to go to dinner at the Haywards?”
“She called it a Manor, Leo! The closest I’ll get to England and English things again will be watching reruns of Downtown Abbey.”
Sighing, I tell her, “Fine, we’ll go, but you owe me.”
“It’s a good job we’re married, and I can thank you any time I like.”
My dick stirs and since we don’t have time, I push my wife’s naked body from my mind.
I collect my smokes and phone as Holly grabs her purse.
“I know you’re only visiting someone in prison, but I wish you never stepped inside of one ever again,” she says as we ride down in the elevator.
“Apparently I’m only the third person allowed to visit him who isn’t family and he’s been locked up for over thirty years.”
“Seems strange he’s allowing you in, then.”
“We’ll find out.”
Outside, there are two Range Rovers with both their back doors open. Jamie Boy kisses Cleo goodbye and holds her hand as she climbs into the back of the first car.