Page 92 of A New Era
I hand Holly my card and remind her to keep her eyes open. With a kiss and a promise, she joins Cleo and Jamie Boy and I take the second car.
Jamie Boy hands over a passport and as I flick it open, I’m half surprised that one, they have my photo, and two, the thing is as real as my legitimate passport.
“There won’t be a problem signing in. But for the prison records, you’re Shaun Higgins.”
“Won’t the guards be suspicious that someone outside the family will be sitting at his table?”
He waves his hand dismissively. “There isn’t a screw that isn’t controlled by my uncle. The governor is so deep in our pocket, he’ll never climb out.”
“Your uncle must have the easiest sentence in the world?”
“It’s where he wants to be so the family makes sure he’s comfortable.”
The prison is old. Like, fucking old. All stone bricks and heavy bars. Essentially, it’s the same as prisons back home but this place oozes violence from the carpark.
Jamie Boy was right about signing in not being a problem. The guards treat him with respect and it’s a stark contrast to prisons back home. They eye me suspiciously, but I keep my mouth shut and eyes forward.
We walk into a waiting room, and I notice everyone gives Jamie Boy and in turn me, a wide berth.
“Is it like this every time you come here?”
“Pretty much.”
A guard leads everyone into the visiting room, and I follow Jamie Boy to a large table over in the corner of the room. It’s not long before a door opens across the room, and I know who Jem is the second he walks in. The top dog is noticeable in any prison in any part of the world.
Jamie Boy stands and embraces his uncle before he takes his seat.
“I’m Jem Hayward and you must be Leo Jackson.”
“According to the sign-in, I’m Shaun Higgins,” I say.
Looking around the visiting room, more inmates are staring our way than spending time with their friends and family.
“They’re only staring because I don’t have anyone who isn’t family at my table.”
“I’ve heard. Though I’m not sure why I’m here today.”
He nods, then looks at Jamie Boy.
“Why don’t you go get us drinks.”
I stop my jaw from falling open. I didn’t think there was a man alive who could order him or any of the Haywards around.
Once Jamie Boy is out of earshot, I gain Jem’s full attention.
“Me and my brother have ruled over the East Quarter for nearly four decades. When my nephews became men, they took the whole city. There isn’t a single deal that goes down that we don’t allow. Your club dynamic isn’t so different from ours. It’s why my nephews approached you in the first place. When partnering with another organisation, both sides have to understand loyalty.”
“I agree.”
“I arranged to meet you because while my family can and do hold their own, it took some convincing on their part to make me see this transition to the States is a move we should be making.”
“They certainly ruffled shit up.”
“It runs in their blood.” He smirks. “Making money was more my brother’s thing, mine was power. What’s yours?”
“We all need cash, and power comes with headaches and people always wanting what you have. My thing is keeping my family safe, and my club on top.”
“Then our arrangement will work for the both of us.”