Page 17 of Blitz
She turned to look at him. “Yes?” The heat and male scent of him overwhelmed her thoughts, aroused her body, and created a heavy, tingling sensation between her thighs. The man’s ability to turn her on, even during an op, was nothing short of amazing.
A glint appeared in his eyes, and the lines around them creased as a smile worked one corner of his mouth. He nudged his chin, but she was completely mesmerized by the vibrant and unusual green color. So beautiful. She had no idea there was such an intriguing forest green ring around his irises.
“Bree,” he said impatiently, nudging again. What the heck?
Bree gave him a wry look. “What?”
He didn’t respond. Instead, he gave her a slow, lazy grin, one she’d never seen before. It did amazing things to her. Her stomach tumbled and her knees went weak. “I don’t know what floor you’re on.”
Amusement and a scorching heat mingled in his smoky eyes. Bree winced, feeling a rush of embarrassment heat her face. “Oh, it’s three,” she said, still not moving.
He chuckled this time, then leaned across her. He didn’t touch her, but she could feel the heat from his body, and she braced herself and closed her eyes, sensations washing through her, making her body tighten and hum. He was too close. Too close.
It was almost as if he had physically enveloped her. Bree focused on breathing in and out, a new rush of heat surging through her. More than anything, she wanted his arms around her.
But she stood there, not moving a muscle, afraid of what she would do if she acted. He pushed the button for three and it lit up. The elevator started moving and she was instantly mortified it had taken so much time to just do one simple task. It was his fault for being so enticing.
When the doors opened to her floor, she stepped out, noting he was right behind her. She stopped in front of the entrance to her apartment and turned to him. “Do you want to come in for a drink?”
She was flabbergasted that the words had come out of her mouth. She had really meant to say another good night and duck inside. But her overheated brain had other plans. She expected him to decline. Even with the tension in him, he hadn’t really dropped his guard.
When he didn’t answer right away, she stammered, “Of course, it’s getting late, and I’m sure you’re as beat as—”
“I’ll come in,” he said, staring down at her, his eyes dark and unreadable.
“O-okay,” she said, turning to the door. But it was as if she had forgotten how to do the simplest of things. She tried to fit the key in the lock, but missed, twice. His big body slipped between her and the door, his hand engulfing hers as he steadied her enough for her to get it into the lock. Her whole body twisted with need. He let go immediately.
She stepped inside and he followed her. She flicked on the light near her bed. The room was sparse with a bed, dresser, a small kitchen table, and a couple of chairs. There was a sofa and a coffee table along with a wide-screen TV on the wall.
“I think I have some whiskey.”
He looked around the room and shook his head. “I don’t want to be dulled by alcohol,” he said.
She nodded with relief. She didn’t want to get anywhere near a bottle right now.
“I think you need to talk.” He turned to look at her, his features still unreadable.
Was this just a therapy session? Was he just being kind?
“Do you need to talk? Or do you want to listen?” He went to the sofa and sat down.
“You’re going to give me some insights?”
“Yes. I know there are several things you are dealing with right now.” He paused, his face softening. “How you handled the op, Huxley’s wounding and the subsequent loss of his leadership, your boss putting you in charge, your determination to complete your mission and apprehend the Ogdens’ assassins, and simply the pressure of all of these situations.”
She blew out her breath. He had nailed everything except her deep attraction to him. That he wasn’t touching…at least not yet. “Okay, I’m listening.” She walked over to the sofa and sat down.
“I don’t mean any disrespect to you or your team. All of you are rising to the challenge, but I had and still have my concerns.”
She’d learned a long time ago, especially when it came to training, that the more open she was to ideas and suggestions, the better she would perform. “No offense taken. Go on. Tell me what you want to say.”
“As military men, combatants, we’re trained in a different manner than law enforcement. That includes the police, even SWAT, FBI, ATF, DEA, and NCIS. Unless members of those organizations were ever military trained.” He watched her with a steady, unnerving look. “Normal law enforcement is suited to civilian threats and are given the tools for investigation, apprehension, and arrest. We’re trained for sustained combat against military combatants. It’s a different mindset.”
She felt oddly uncomfortable, as though he’d found her lacking in her training, but that was a knee-jerk reaction. She didn’t want to jump to conclusions or put words in his mouth. She waited for him to continue.
“I’m not telling you this to make you feel inadequate, Bree. Like I said, you all are exceeding our expectations.”
She suddenly realized that it was a huge compliment coming from a Navy SEAL. They were elite warriors. She let out her held breath, and he nodded as if he’d just punctured her inflating balloon.