Page 18 of Blitz
“We, as special operators, are trained with a combat mindset. We identify ourselves as the weapon, not our tools. It’s a system that operates cohesively to kill the enemy and survive. It separates us from someone who simply has weapons qualifications and equipment.”
“Like the FBI.”
There was an awkward silence, and suddenly the companionship they had shared seemed like a distant memory. For one heart-stopping instant they stared at each other, invisibly linked by an acute awareness, then Blitz exhaled heavily. “Like the FBI,” he repeated with a nod. “They’re instinctive behaviors that have been honed in every one of the members on my team. Not only do we have the same mindset, but we also have the same purpose. We own the battlefield and when we haven't locked it down, we move forward into the heat of the battle. We don’t worry about the enemy. We kill them until we reach our mission objective. The only things we care about are the guys on our team, any vulnerable noncombatants, and the mission. That’s it.”
“So, what are you saying?”
He leaned forward. “You froze because you haven’t been in that situation before. Even though you knew that when Flint went to his haunches, it meant there were explosives. You still had to process it. My job on the team is a breacher. I’m the guy whose job it is to remove physical obstacles such as doors and walls so my team can do their thing. I’m more aware of explosives because I work with them. So, I don’t process that stuff anymore. I’ve been in so many situations that when that is a reality, I handle it immediately.”
“And when I shot that guy?”
“It fits right into your mindset. I was vulnerable, and you were defending. You reacted instinctively.”
“So, you’re saying that I didn’t fail exactly.”
“Do you feel like you failed?”
“Yes, I do.”
There was a wealth of understanding and compassion in his eyes, and he reached for her hand, absently caressing the back with his thumb. His hands were strong, with wide palms, solid, long fingers.
“You didn’t and I’ll tell you why.” For all his dark intensity, he had a very warm, soothing tone to his voice. It made a person want to lean closer. “Failing would mean you were dead because I didn’t react, and I would be dead if you hadn’t reacted. It doesn’t matter how we’re serving our great nation. We are one team. We have that team mindset, Bree, and that’s a good thing. It saved us both out there.”
“All for one and one for all?”
He chuckled, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. “Yeah, something like that.”
She didn’t know Blitz well, but if she had to guess, he was trying to ease her anxiety, her penchant to kick herself when she was down, and try to work out her own actions and how they had affected others. She shut that mental path down. It was pointless, and she wasn’t the type to feel sorry for herself. Besides, she had more than enough to worry about. “I think you’re just trying to make me feel better.”
“I’m a SEAL. I don’t do mushy.” He delivered it deadpan. His only giveaway was the glint in his eyes. She laughed. He was so dry, and up until today had struck her as somewhat of a hard-ass. A really lethal and focused hard-ass, but one all the same. And, in some ways, he was. Except for when he wasn’t like at the hospital and now with her here. He was consoling her, and whether he liked it or not, was trying to make her feel better. And surprisingly, she did.
“Is that so?” His wry humor had been unexpected, but it was so much a part of him. But it worked on her far more than his good looks.
His lips curved. “Okay, maybe a little. You know, when I get a knife for a gift or after one of the guys pins me then pats my shoulder.”
For a tough guy, he had no qualms about making fun of himself. It was far too charming.
“I’m glad I have that defending mindset.”
“Me, too,” he said, giving her a half shrug, which was cute and endearing and had her clenching her teeth before she said something completely inappropriate. “Now about Huxley. I overheard your conversation.”
“Didn’t your mom teach you it was rude to eavesdrop?”
“Yeah, she did, but I’m nosy. Football player, SEAL, alpha guy.” That wry curve appeared at the corner of his mouth as he casually leaned forward, pinning her with those perceptive green eyes. “What?” he asked, amusement in his tone.
“Busy body.” She tried not to smile, tried to think business, but the pull of him was so darn magnetic.
It was invigorating, but also exhausting. A whole lot of emotions were being expended into the air every single day, and it did zap a person, even if it was for the very best reasons. Today was one of those days. But it didn’t matter. Blitz had read her, picking up on her less-than-sharp reflexes, or worse, her tension. Tension that really had nothing to do with the day she’d put in, and everything to do with the man who was invading her world. But the day she’d put in made hiding those feelings a little tougher. And she needed all the stamina she could muster to keep her wits about her.
“Your boss promoted you. You’re in charge now. What does that mean to you?”
“Several things. Things I’m not sure Greg really related to your superiors, but I’m fully aware of.”
“Like what?”
“The FBI has changed dramatically from the J. Edgar Hoover days of gun-toting, fedora-wearing G-men gung-ho on catching bank robbers and top-ten most wanted fugitives to an organization committed to stopping terrorist attacks of a scope and nature unlike anything America had ever seen. Everything changed with 9/11. Now we’re dedicated to targeting people who perpetuate terror. Brutally murdering our ambassador and his family crossed a line we never even thought the Russians would dare to cross. It is political suicide, but as we delve deeper into this situation, we’re uncovering so much more. Like the topmost government officials allegedly never sanctioned it. Or did they? Was it a conspiracy? Or did Z Militia and the Olenskas see an opportunity in West Africa for resources that the government wanted and exploit it? We know that they wanted David Ogden to cease his diplomatic mission here. He was making amazing inroads, and that was messing with their plan of destabilization. They eliminated that threat.
“Their group has committed terrible acts across Africa without impunity. But in this instance, it was a blow struck against us, against the United States, and we cannot let the murders of one of our high-ranking diplomats and his family go unpunished. We will bring whoever is responsible, from whatever heights to justice. Whatever it takes.”