Page 24 of Mafia Grace
“Because Icansay no to you, Salvatore.” Playful little witch.
“You’re drunk on power,Tesoro.” I whispered in her ear. “You don’t want me to put my hand here?” I touched the creamy inside of her thigh.
“No.” She whispered, not convincing anyone.
“You don’t want me to bite your neck and drag my teeth along your skin.”
“No, you’ll leave a mark.”
That’s exactly what I did, I left my damn mark.
While I was kissing the curve of her neck, my hand sneaked behind the lace barrier of her panties and I opened her slit with one finger. Grazia let out a soft moan in response.
“You don’t want me to touch you here?”
“Grazi…” I warned her, “don’t play with me.”
When I moved my finger, her body jerked and she got up on her knees facing me, hands anchored in my shoulders.
“Salvatore, please.”
“Ah, look who’s coming around.”
“Stop being an asshole and make me come already.”
“Whatever the princess wishes.” Always. She could ask for the moon and I’d shoot it down from the sky for her.
I leaned back on the tree and Grazia dragged herself closer, eager to have me make her pussy throb. All I needed were two fingers and a little patience. I knew her body inside out, she had no secrets left, and I knew how to awaken her pleasure.
I pushed my fingers in, moving them fast inside her pussy while I used my thumb to press on the clit. The sound that came out of her chest was raw and sexual, born from the tangible pleasure building in her body. It made my chest swell with pride.
“You like,Tesoro?”
“Damn you, Salvatore. Why do you have to feel so good?”
“Because you were made for me and I was made for you.”
My fingers played her like the keyboard of a piano, tingling every nerve. I knew she was close by the way her muscles tightened. I could keep her on the edge if I wanted to, but that would have given her one more reason to tell me what an asshole I was, and we had enough name calling for one day.
A minute later, a fierce orgasm washed over Grazia and her body arched back with the grace of a ballerina that has worked all her life to move like that. Even when her primal instincts took over, she didn’t lose an ounce of elegance. Watching her come was motion poetry.
“Salvatore,mio cuore.[6]”
“I got you,Tesoro.” And I did. I held her through every spasm and listened to her every cry until she finally settled down. “I got you.”
“You always do.”
“That’s right.” I kissed her forehead. “I always do.”
“Can you hold me for a while?”
I took off my jacket and wrapped her naked shoulders in it, to shield her for the chilly night breeze, and chained her to my chest. She nestled like a kitten, looking all soft and well behaved.
Her hand went to my face and she touched my cheek with a feather-light touch.