Page 25 of Mafia Grace
Qualcosa non è giusto.[7]My Grazi was never so calm. She likes to push and shove and playing nice bored her to death.
“Grazia, what is it?”
“You seem different.”Unusually calm.
“It’s the orgasm, I guess.” But instead of facing me, she looked away, and when I grabbed her chin and made her look back up, I saw how her intoxicatingly innocent blue eyes were filling up with tears. One rolled down – bitter, and unexpected – and I turned to stone.
“Talk to me,Tesoro.”
“It’s really nothing. I just got emotional.”
“I hate seeing you cry.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, just tell me how to make it better.”
“Everything is good.” She placed her head on my shoulder and sighed. “It would be perfect if you wouldn’t talk so much, so shut up and let me enjoy this.”
I chuckled and turned to kiss her soft, blushing cheek. “That’s my girl.”
Chapter 6
We stayed unmoved ‘till morning. Salvatore fell asleep and I enjoyed listening to the even sounds of his breaths. When he was sleeping, it was the only time he was peaceful and there were no frown lines on his face.
Salvatore wasn’t just a guy. He was a mafia prince and the only son of a very powerful man. Ever since we were kids, there was a heavy responsibility placed on his shoulders and I’ve watched him carry it without complaining. He never really got to be a kid, or a normal teenager, or just my boyfriend. Because of his duty and his blood, he grew up too fast, but in moments like that he looked so care free, and for a change, he actually showed his age.
I felt the tears rushing back knowing this might be the last chance I get to see him like this.
Or see him at all, a voice whispered in my head.
We were ill-fated. The books would call us star-crossed lovers, Pina would call it insane stubbornness, and my father would say it’s an abomination to keep meeting with Salvatore. Despite all of that, I let myself cling to him for all these years, never strong enough to tell him goodbye. Always harboring a hidden hope that one dayBabboand Adrian would find a way to move on from their disagreement.
In our world, there was nothing above honor and respect. If you lost those, there was no power left in aDon’shands. Fear could put you on a throne, but it would never be enough to keep you there. As long as our fathers didn’t share respect and there was no honor amongst thieves anymore, everything was in vain. Whatever Adrian did was an offence to everyone in the Caputo house and I couldn’t pretend it didn’t affect me, just like Salvatore couldn’t say his father’s sins weren’t his own.
Earlier, when he said Adrian was not well, I felt a jolt of pain. Adrian Fiori was always good to me, like a very dear uncle, but I couldn’t help from imagining a world where he was gone. Salvatore would have a chance to mend things with my family if he’d want that, but he was damn clear. He wasn’t going to ask for forgiveness and try to push this mess behind us.
“Tell me something else. Do you think it was worth it? The thing that split our families?”
The word echoed in my head over and over again. It wasn’t fair to expect a different answer from him, I knew that. Family was sacred and he had to stand behind his own, but hearing it killed that fragile hope that was hiding in a corner behind my heart.
There would never be peace for us or anything more than stolen moments. This affair couldn’t last forever and it was clear now that we’d never get a happy ending. There wasn’t anything else left for us.
Turning away from him, I looked at the first ray of sunshine shyly teasing the dark sky. The night was over. It was time to go.
I woke him up with a soft kiss and he growled something unintelligible.
I laughed hearing how pissed he sounded. All the calmness was gone.