Page 77 of Mafia Grace
“I’m glad to see you’re not one either.”
She looked over her shoulder and nodded.
“The other three are ok too. Well, Melanie talks too much about her new diet, but if you can look past that, you’re good.”
“Good to know.”
She started walking towards them and pulled me along too.
“Hey, this is Grazia. I know we were all wondering why she’s spying from the corner. She’s here to decide if she wants to apply here at the Academy.” All three of them waved and I did too. “Those are Melanie Chive, Nathalie Kirk, and Elena Morales.”
“It’s very nice to meet you all.”
Elena – a beautiful redhead – straightened her back before speaking. “If you need any information about the school, we’re happy to help, but not now. We have another class in twenty minutes.”
“Thank you. It’s ok. I have to head out too, my brother is waiting. I just have to go to the bathroom first.”
“Oh.” Elena blinked. “Ok, I can come with you.”
“You don’t have to…” I wasn’t exactly sure how to turn down companionship to the bathroom from someone I’ve never seen before.
“She’s coming with you.” Petra declared. “It’s not good to be alone in a small room while you take your clothes off.”
I found that comment odd to say the least, but Elena started showing me the way before I could ask any more questions. We talked a little, mostly about the school, and she didn’t tell me anything new, but I didn’t have the heart to stop her from blabbing.
“Hey, Elena?” I said while washing my hands. “Why did you want to come with me?”
“To the bathroom? We always come in pairs.”
“Petra… why did she say that?”
“Ah. You know how it is in ballet schools. A lot of young girls, mostly male directors and teachers all over. It’s better if we’re not alone.”
My eyes found hers in the mirror and I froze. I felt like someone poured a bucket of ice water over my head.
She shrugged. “It’s better to be safe rather than sorry. It’s one of the first things they teach young ballerinas.”
“Not me. My school was private and my father owns it.” I spit out. “This is not right.”
“Oh, it’s ok. It’s not like we’re in danger all the time. Times have changed and now dancers get more respect, but sometimes…”
“Sometimes it still happens? Is that what you wanted to say?”
“Here? In the damn Scala?”
“Men are men, I guess. It’s happening everywhere.”
“No, not everywhere. Not in my city.” I was shaking with anger. “In Palermo, every woman and child can walk alone at night. Girls go to parties with no fear, mothers let their kids play in the street because no one would dare to do anything so despicable.”
Elena looked at me like I was an alien and blinked rapidly. “Really?”
“We didn’t hear of a rape in years.”
“What’s the secret?”