Page 78 of Mafia Grace
I smiled, not knowing how much I should say. “For years, my family persecuted every man who laid hands on a woman. No one wants to mess with my brothers, trust me.”
It was a rule in Sicily, enforced by father and Adrian when they took control – you hurt a woman, you leave to see hell on earth. Everyone knew it.
“How many brothers do you have?”
“Ok, that’s a lot.”
“Yeah. The Caputo clan is big.”
“Caputo? As in Caputo cr… the family, the…”
Blestemmie[38]! I’ve said too much. I wasn’t ashamed to be a Caputo, no matter what people thought about that, but this was the first time I wasn’t just theDon’sdaughter and I’ve just ruined that.
“My brothers own multiple businesses, yes.” I cut in before she got to say anymore.
“Yes. I’ve heard of your family. I heard of your family all the way in Spain. Look, Grazia, you seem a nice girl, and I’m happy you never had to walk into a room filled with men and be scared of them, or go to the gym across the street from your ballet school to shower because it feels safer, but this is not Palermo. I’m not trying to scare you, I’m just saying take someone with you when you go to the bathroom.”
“Thank you for the advice.” I hated that she had to say that to me. I hated that they had to teach her that.
We’ve returned to the rest of the girls and the conversation moved to a safer place. We were about to go our separate ways when Walsh came back into the room.
“Miss Caputo? I’m glad you didn’t leave yet. I just got off the phone with Rosa Vitale. Can I keep you for a minute?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“The rest of you are dismissed.”
All I heard before we were left alone in the room were a few fainted goodbyes. The man surely could strike fear into his students, but I had years under my belt with Rosa Mariano-Vitale. I could take it.
“Rosa has talked my ear off about you. It’s not like her to brag about a student.”
“She’s been my teacher for a long time, Sir. I’m glad to hear she’s proud of my progress.”
“She believes in your potential and has asked for me to evaluate you.”
“So I can give you a recommendation. It could go a long way no matter where you decide to apply.”
“That’s very kind of you.”
“Anything for Rosa. I watched her on the stage when I was a kid. She inspired me for a long time. Come on, get in position.”
“Yes. All I have to see is a few pirouettes and a couple of steps.”
I found the dance shoes in my bag and put them on as fast as I could. Walsh didn’t care that I was in jeans and my hair was down, so I didn’t either. If all he wanted was a couple of steps, I would make sure to execute them perfectly, and so I did.
I listened while he barked names of steps at me and did every single one. It was harder without music, but my body was so used to this, it took control, and when he was done talking, I was very pleased with myself.
Walsh smiled from one ear to another and stepped in front of me. His hand came under my chin to make me face him.
“Thank you. I owe it all to Miss Rosa.”