Page 58 of Lane's Destiny
“Well, aren’t you guys a sight for sore eyes.” Grinning from ear to ear, he joined in the effort with Ben to get the door open wide enough for a person to slip through.
“Of course, we would pick the one door that is rusted shut,” Ben muttered.
With one last yank on the handle the door broke free and so did Ben’s grip. Staggering back, he swung his gaze to the open doorway and saw the woman he adored more than anything in the world, standing there with tears in her eyes, while Lane stood behind her.
Choking on a sob, he held his arms wide.
That was all the encouragement Abbi needed. Leaping into his arms she wrapped her legs around his middle. One of his hands moved to support her bottom while the other pressed against her back as he claimed her lips with his.
A quiet cough brought them back to where they were, and Ben let her go. Sliding down the length of him, told Abbi just how much he missed her. Throwing an arm around her shoulders, he leaned towards her and said, “You’re never leaving my sight again my love.”
She nodded in agreement, as Dean said, “We need to get a move on before someone comes by.” He looked at Lane as they started walking towards the road through the orchard. “Where did Mark and Kim go?”
Lane shook his head. “I have no idea. They dropped me off to go after Desi, but now she’s been caught.”
“Yeah, we saw her.” Ben said, “Some guy took her into the back of the house.”
“They did?” Lane looked between Ben and Dean. “How do you know?”
“We were stuck in the tree line in front of the barn.” Dean said, “Some guy was guarding it, but Jasmine came out of the house with a cart and got that guy to go with her.”
“So, where did they go?” Abbi asked.
Ben shook his head. “Don’t know. We left Luke and Ava back in the trees to watch where they went.”
“Wait, if you’re all out here.” Abbi stopped walking and looked at Ben. “Who has Annabelle?”
“My parents. They flew in yesterday.”
They started walking again and Dean said, “Mark and Kim are together. It’s safe to say they are still in the truck. I’m going to try calling her.”
“Tim’s with them. If she doesn’t answer, call him,” Lane said.
Dean nodded and dialed the phone. “Kim, where are you guys?”
“Us?! Where the hell are you?”
“Safe to say they are still in the truck with her yelling like that,” Abbi giggled.
“Hold on,” Dean said to Kim and looked at Lane. “Where did they drop you off at?”
Lane shrugged, “Ten feet maybe from the driveway, so from where we are now, I’d say add another two hundred to it.”
Dean nodded. “Kim? Tell Mark to drive east, two hundred feet from where you dropped Lane off.”
“Oh, you mean where he dove out of the truck, the damn fool. We weren’t stopped, and he was out the door running.”
“Yeah, meet us there. We should be coming out in a minute.”
“See you then!” she said and disconnected the call.
Dean stuffed his phone into his pocket. “Come on, they should be there any minute.”
“I’m going back. I can’t leave Desi,” Lane said, looking at the three of them.
“Here.” Dean handed him his gun. “I know you know how to use this. Don’t use it unless you need to.”
Lane took it and nodded his thanks. “I won’t. I’ll see you back at the house.” He hugged Abbi and was off, back into the orchard.