Page 59 of Lane's Destiny
He ran back to the barn and once there, went all the way around the back of it and up the opposite side to the forested area. He would catch up with Ava and Luke and see if they saw if Desi was still in the house and where Jasmine went to feed the cats. He just hoped Nala was one of them. He looked at his watch and noted the time, 4:30 am. He still had a few hours under the cover of darkness to move around the farm. Now he just needed to find his brother and sister.
He finally came even with the front of the barn and that’s when he saw them. Not more than twenty feet away from the front door. No wonder they were trapped when the man had been standing guard.
He hurried over to them as quickly and quietly as he could, not trusting that someone would come out of the barn or the house any second, he let out a soft whistle to get their attention before he hunkered down beside them.
“Lane!” Ava softly said, throwing an arm around his shoulders.
Lane hugged her back, and whispered, “What’s going on?”
“The guy that was guarding the barn went with Jasmine to that door,” Luke pointed to the back of the house. “I don’t know if it’s a basement, an addition or an old cellar. But they took a cart in there too.”
“Yeah, Jasmine called it the ‘hole’ and the guy with her, Ike, said let’s go feed the cats.” Ava looked at Luke, “I don’t think that guy was all there.”
He nodded his head, “I agree.”
“What do you mean?” Lane asked.
Ava raised a shoulder, “He’s like a child.”
“Gotcha.” Lane craned his neck at the door in question. “Oh, almost forgot, Mom’s safe, Desi found her locked in a room in the barn.”
Ava squeaked, “And you’re just telling us this now?!”
Lane looked at her. “Yeah. I forgot, okay? I’ve got other things on my mind like saving Desi.”
“Absolutely.” Luke nodded and looked at his brother with a keen eye. “You’re falling for her, aren’t you?”
“What?” Lane swung his gaze to look at his brother, his brows drawn together. “No.”
“Whatever you say man,” Luke grinned. “So, tell us what we can do to help.”
That was a good question. One that Lane didn’t know himself. If they went after the cat first, they would have to wait until Jasmine and the man left. They could ambush them, but they had no idea what they were walking into. If they went after Desi, again they wouldn’t know what would be on the other side of that door waiting for them.
“Honestly? I don’t know what to do...”
Chapter 21