Page 66 of Lane's Destiny
“Fuck! You bastard...” A rage overcame Lane as he fell to the floor. He knew his kneecap was dislocated, rendering him useless. Not being able to bear any weight on his leg meant that he needed Brian down on the floor with him.
“I have you precisely where I want you.” Brian sneered over him, as he fumbled, looking for something in his pocket.
Lane could only guess that it was a gun. With one quick swipe with his good leg, he knocked Brian down onto his back, grabbed his foot, then dragged him over to him.
Brian never saw it coming. One second, he was standing and the next, Lane was in his face.
“Now I haveyouprecisely where I want,” Lane rolled over so that his back was against Brian’s chest and clenched his hand into a fist, drawing it upwards, he fully intended to follow through with a downward thrust of his elbow directly on to Brian’s Adams’ apple. That was until he heard Desi cry out his name from across the room.
He stopped and looked at her. With tears streaming down her face, she said, “Don’t do that.”
That’s all she said as a swat team filed into the room; guns drawn with Tim in the lead.
“Miss, you’re not supposed to beat the police up here,” the hulking man said, taking her by the arm and steering her out into the hall.
From there she could hear one officer call out to get the EMT’s up there asap. Fearing Lane had already killed Brian, she silently crept back downstairs and waited in the livingroom.
Desi was standing there wringing her hands when two paramedics burst through the door and looked at her. “Where are they?”
She pointed up the staircase and said, “You can’t miss it just look for the cops.” She felt sick to her stomach and sat down on the sofa, only to pop back up when she saw Dean coming down the stairs.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
Wide eyed, she nodded.
“Good, they will be bringing him down shortly on the stretcher. He’ll be heading to the clinic and Doc Spence will have a look at him.”
“A look at him? Shouldn’t a coroner be called in?”
“What?” Dean shook his head. “Why would we call him in?”
“Because he’s dead?” Desi spit the words out.
“Wait, what? No one is dead? What made you think they were?”
“I thought Lane killed him. Why else would they need a stretcher?”
“! The stretcher isforLane. Brian bashed him with a wooden post and popped his knee out. He can’t walk.”
Relief surged along her veins. She had never been so scared in her life.
A commotion could be heard from upstairs, as they started to bring him down. Desi got up and stood at the bottom of them.
“Easy, easy,” Dean said, as he moved to guide the EMT’s down the staircase. “Lane, hold still, you’re going to slip out of the straps.”
“I told them I could walk,” Lane muttered.
The paramedic who asked Desi where they were muttered, “Not with that leg the way it is you’re not.”
Desi and Lane’s eyes met as they set the stretcher on the floor and for the first time since she had left with the others, he got a good look at her. His brows snapped together when he saw the gash still on her jaw and if it weren’t for all the cops, he would try his damnedest to get back up those stairs and finish beating Brian.
“She needs to see the Doc too,” he jerked his chin towards Desi. “She’s coming with me.”
“Sure thing, just need to cover you up. The temperature dropped out there, and it’s colder than a witch’s...” the medic happened to glance at Desi as he unfolded the blanket and said “, never mind.”
Footsteps could be heard along with a lot of cussing as the cops started coming downstairs. Desi glanced up and saw Tim leading Brian down the steps with his hands cuffed behind his back. She could see that his right eye was swollen shut, blackened from Lane’s fist as he looked at Tim with contempt. “You can’t arrest me, you’re out of your jurisdiction.”
Tim pointed to his chest, “You see where it says O.P.P.? It means I can arrest you anywhere in Ontario. Now get moving,” he snarled.