Page 67 of Lane's Destiny
Clenching his fists, Lane laid on the stretcher and watched the exchange with some amusement. He had every intention of behaving himself until Brian caught sight of Desi.
Brian sneered as he was walked down the final few steps. “You fucking bitch, you brought everyone here, didn’t you?DIDN’T YOU?!” He was now almost even with the stretcher as Tim pulled him away from Desi. “You always were a worthless fuck, as a human and in the bedroom,” he spat. “I should have shot the both of you in the tent the other night while you were—”
Without hesitation, Lane smashed his fist into Brian’s mouth, breaking a couple of his teeth. He glared at Brian as he howled in pain. “Learn when to shut your mouth next time asshole.”
“Get him the hell out of here,” Tim shoved him towards the hulking officer, who gladly took him by the arm and said, “Come on buddy. You get to go to Springbank for booking.”
“I want to see a doctor,” Brian wailed as they went out the door.
Dean looked at Desi and said, “My God, how did you ever date that guy?”
Everyone laughed thinking the same thing. “I honestly don’t know,” she shook her head. “I’m extremely thankful that he left me,” she smiled.
Lane snagged her hand as the medics started wheeling the stretcher towards the door. Once outside, they loaded him in the back of the ambulance and Desi climbed in.
“Where is your cat?” he asked.
As the doors slammed shut, she smiled, “I’ll tell you on the way to the clinic.”
Chapter 23
Lucky for Lane, nothingwas broken. A quick jerk and Doc had his kneecap put back into place with strict orders to stay off of it.
Since he was given the go ahead to go home and take it easy, Desi had been waiting on him hand and foot. Not because it was expected of her or that he asked, which he hadn’t but because she wanted to. After everything he’d done for her, it was the least she could do. Plus, she would take all the time with him that she could, while she could.
She peeked into the living room and asked, “Do you have everything you need? Phone, snacks?”
He was sitting on the couch with an ice pack on his knee and his leg propped on a couple of pillows. Nala was curled into a ball sleeping in his lap, the two had become inseparable the past week and it broke Desi’s heart. When Lane left, Nala would be lost.
“Yeah, everything is good. You heading to the inn now?”
“Yes. It should be a short day. Kim said she had supper covered so it’s just brunch today and I’m outta there.”
“Okay. I have to see Doc later this morning, so I’ll see you when I get back,” he said, turning back to the tv.
“How are you getting there?”