Page 4 of The Force of Five
“Yesterday,” he murmurs.
“This looks like some kind of dark magic. Brog should have been healing already if this happened to him yesterday; meanwhile, the wounds are still raw and starting to look infected,” Selina states as she pokes gently around the wounds.
“What do you think did this?” Trek asks. Trek is one of our guards and a Werewolf like Brog, but that is where the resemblance ends, as Trek is big, and when I say big, I mean big. He is nearly double of Brog, and Brog is big. Trek’s arms are thick with muscle, nearly the breadth of both my legs together. From what I have heard, he is an exceptional tracker.
“I’m not sure I haven’t seen this before; it looks like the claw scratches of a feral animal, but you see the jagged edges on the wounds? There is no animal I know that has claws like that,” Selina says, pointing at a particular wound. “I’m going to place a salve into his wounds to clean them out of any infection. Hope, I need you to work on his wounds to pull out the poison and restore the good.”
Hope looks at her in surprise. “How am I going to do that?” she asks with a frown.
“The same way to bring plants to life when they are nearly dying. He is just like one of your plants, Hope. You can expel the bad and fill it with good.” I see that Hope is unsure of what Selina just said, but she nods.
“From you, Dream, I need you to go into Brog’s subconscious and have him dream of healing.” I frown. I can’t go into someone’s subconscious if the stone doesn’t call me to them and they’re not having a nightmare.
“I can’t do that, Selina,” I say, embarrassed. I wish I could help, but my gift doesn’t work like that.
“Yes, you can, sweetie, the same way you go in to dispel the nightmares and create a dream. Just close your eyes and see yourself inside Brog’s conscious.”
“I will try, but I’ve never done that before. My amethyst guides me,” I confess.
“No, sweetie, your amethyst is simply a tool that helps you. It’s not your gift.”
I close my eyes and concentrate on Brog. I really hope she’s right. I would like nothing more than to be able to help Brog. I find myself in complete darkness, and there is a foul smell. I feel a heavy darkness pulling me down. Am I in Brog’s mind? I lift my hands and start to murmur the sound associated with light. I see my hands lighting up, but the darkness is so dense that I have to keep murmuring until the light starts to widen, brightening up my view of my surroundings.
At first, I don’t see anything, and then as the light starts to push back the darkness, I see what looks like a forest appear. I must be in Brog’s mind. It seems like there is something in the darkness looking at me, but I can’t see it. I bring my hands to my chest and then thrust them forward to throw light further away. That’s when I see what looks like dark shadows quickly disintegrating into the light. Strange. Why do I keep seeing these shadows in the dreams now?
When I am sure that Brog’s mind is filled with light and good thoughts, I think of a beautiful bright-green light filling his mind with health and life. I imagine the light traveling through his body to his wounds, healing them, bringing them to life. I don’t know how long I stay in Brog’s mind, bringing him peace and happy dreams, but when I become aware again of everyone around me, I see that Selina is sprinkling a shimmery powder over what looks like healthier-looking wounds.
“It’s your turn now, Love,” Selina says, which has me believing that when I was in Brog’s mind, Hope must have been working on his wounds.
“Mine?” Love asks, surprised. “What do you want me to do?”
“Brog now needs to feel loved and secure to heal. Everyone knows that people feel better when they are happy and feel cared for and secure. What you do to those people who feel like they don’t have any love in their life I want you now to do with Brog.” I can see Love’s uncertainty, but she moves toward the bed. Hope gets up and moves away so that Love can take her place.
“We should all leave now and let Brog rest. Love will stay with him, and when she is done, Reality will come sit with him until he wakes up. Reality, after all the healing, he isn’t going to feel himself. I need you to bring him to reality.”
Reality smiles in response and moves towards the chair that Brog has in his room. I notice that Trek and Drez aren’t in the room any longer, which means they must have left when I was in Brog’s mind.
I turn and follow Hope out of the room, Selina right behind me. “Where is Vain?” I ask, only now realizing that I didn’t see her.
“She came in earlier, but I sent her away. Brog will need her once Reality is done with him. She will need to work with him to make sure there are no aftereffects from the attack.
“How did you know we could all do what you asked us to do?” Hope asks as we walk into the kitchen.
“You girls can do much more than you think you can,” Selina says as she strokes Hope’s face. “This is just the tip of the iceberg. With time, you will grow into all your powers, but if something is attacking us, we will need to find out what it is and be ready to fight it.”
“What do you think it is, Selina?” I ask, worried that we might not be strong enough to defend ourselves.
“I’m not sure yet, but Brog’s wounds were infected and getting worse by the minute. He would surely have died if we hadn’t helped him. The wounds reeked of evil; whatever attacked him is not good.” I can feel my stomach tightening in fear.
“Do you think our parents are okay?” I ask.
“Of course our parents are okay, silly,” Hope says as she bumps her shoulder against mine.
“Well, the only thing we can do now is wait for Brog to wake up so he can tell us what he found out. After that, we can see where to go from there.”
I know there has always been evil out there, but living in Eternity Fae Forest, we have always been protected from that evil. Now for that evil to have penetrated our oasis of peace, it means there must be something very powerful out there that managed to break my mother’s magic that kept our little piece of heaven secret, and to be able to outwit all the Gargoyles my father has guarding the entrances to the forest.
“Come, you girls must be tired. I will make you something calming to drink, and then you should go and have some rest. Tomorrow, when Brog awakens, we will know what happened to him.”