Page 5 of The Force of Five
I walk towards the table. Taking a seat, I lean back and close my eyes. To be honest, I am a little tired, but I have a feeling that this is just the beginning and that I am going to need all the rest I can get, because this storm of evil is just beginning.
It has taken Brog longer to recuperate than usual, but he is now sitting up in bed and finally ready to tell us what happened to him. His men have been walking in and out of the room the whole morning, as he wanted to make sure that they were prepared for whatever is coming before he talked to us.
“You are making me nervous, all standing around me like that,” he quips, which immediately has the five of us finding a spot on his bed and sitting down. “That’s better.” He smiles. “Now, first, I want to thank all of you for what you did. Selina told me how fantastic you were.”
“We were pretty cool, weren’t we?” Reality says with a proud smile.
“Yes, you definitely were, and Selina says that if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here.”
“I think Selina’s potions also had a lot to do with it,” I say, which has Brog turning his head to look at me and nodding.
“Yes, she is talented with her potions,” he confirms. “But let’s talk about what I saw and what I think we might be facing.” We have been waiting for this, but now that it’s here, I think we are all scared of what he is about to say.
“I went all the way to the edge of the forest, but I couldn’t get out. It’s like your mother’s spell has been reversed, and instead of keeping others out, it is keeping us in.” We all look at each other. What could this possibly mean? “I think it’s time I tell you something.” I feel my heart racing, as his words sound ominous. “Your parents wanted to tell you this when you all came of age, but now that this has happened, it is time you know the truth.”
“Just say it already. You are killing us with suspense,” Vain says.
“As Selina hinted to you, your powers are more than you or anyone knows, but what your parents and a few know is that they are vast.” He lifts his hand to rub his face, as if trying to think of the best words to tell us whatever he is trying to say. “The thing that you girls don’t know is that because your father is a Gargoyle, and a powerful one at that, your powers can work for good and bad.” We all gasp, looking around at each other.
“What does that mean? We have always only worked for good. Does it mean that we are going to become evil?” Love asks, her hand over her chest; I see that Beast has come to sit at her feet and is now placing his big head on her lap, which nearly covers her whole body. She leans down and rubs her face against his silky fur.
“No, it means that you can if you want to, and hopefully you don’t choose to use your dark powers when you do find them, but continue to only use good, but I needed to tell you because what is coming we might all need to use our full powers to ward off.”
“Do you know what is coming?” Hope asks as she sits forward to also stroke her fingers through Beast’s fur.
“No, but I know it’s not good. When I was in the forest, I felt like I had eyes on me. At first, I thought it was the Pixies, but then I started to feel uncomfortable.” Brog shifts his weight on the bed, moving higher against the headboard. His chest is bare, which allows us to see that the wounds are healing rapidly and will soon disappear. His strength is returning, and he will shortly be at his post again.
“When did you feel the eyes on you? Was it on the way out?” I ask, curious to know if whatever is out there knows where we are.
“No, I reached the border between the forest and the outside world. It was while I was attempting to find a way out that I started to feel the eyes on me. Anyway, after a day of trying everything, I decided to come back. That is when I started to see the shadows following me.”
“The shadows were real?” I ask. I have been seeing shadows in dreams and found it strange, but I never thought they might be real.
“Yes, or as real as can be,” Brog says as he looks at me. “The shadows are the ones that attacked me, and as you can see, they did good work of it.”
“But how can shadows do that?” Vain asks as she looks down at Brog’s healing wounds.
“I don’t know, but what I can tell you is that my strength or fighting skills didn’t work with these shadows, as they are just that—shadows. My fists went right through them, but when they attacked me, I was injured, so I don’t know how it’s possible, and I don’t know how we can beat a shadow if we can’t strike it.”
“What about with light?” I say.
“What do you mean?” Brog asks with a raised brow.
“When I went into your mind, everything was dark. I started by lighting up your mind, and that is when I noticed that there were shadows in the darkness, but the more light I projected into your subconscious, the more the shadows retreated.”
“Could be, Dream, but how are we going to project light in real life?” Love asks with a frown.
“If they only like darkness, then they should only be attacking at night. Was it dark when they attacked you, Brog?” Reality asks as she stands and walks to the window, looking outside.
“It wasn’t night yet, but it was getting dark.” I can see the consideration in Brog’s features as he scratches his whiskered jaw.
“Maybe we can try to get to the edge of the forest during the day. If we don’t find the way out, maybe building a fire will keep the shadows away,” Hope says as she looks around at all of us. “Do you think we can somehow project this light? Maybe with these gifts Brog talks about, one of us could do it?”
I know that we all did something we had never done before when treating Brog, but going from there to actually projecting light in real time is something beyond any powers we have. “I don’t know, Hope. I wouldn’t even know where to begin,” Vain says as she stretches her hands before herself.
“Dream, you already do it when you’re in someone’s dreams. I think that if any of us can do it, it should be you,” Reality says as she turns away from the window and looks at me.