Page 8 of The Force of Five
Selina steps into the room. We have all decided to practice in the sitting room, as it gives us enough space to try our hand at whatever we are trying to accomplish. In my case, it’s light, but I’m starting to believe that I’m not the one to wield that power.
“Maybe I can help. Let me see what you are doing,” Selina says, looking at Love. Love lifts her arms and starts to twist her hands around in a spiral formation, but nothing happens. After a couple minutes, she drops her arms, pouting. “What are you trying to do?” Selina raises a brow.
“Oh, it’s a new dance she’s trying to master,” Reality teases, which has all of us laughing except for Selina, who shakes her head, and Love, who raises her hands to her hips in annoyance.
“Well, you would know. Standing with your feet spread like that, you look like a gawking goblin.” Reality looks down at her feet in surprise and then back up at Love before breaking out in gales of laughter.
“Okay, let’s do this instead,” Selina says as she walks towards one of the couches and sits down. “How about you tell me what you are thinking of wielding and how you propose to do it, and from there, maybe we can help each other by suggesting better options or trying it yourselves. Who knows, you might find that one can’t do it but another one can.”
“Well, I am trying to manifest light, but everything I have tried hasn’t worked,” I say as I approach Selina. I see her wise eyes looking at me as I stand before her.
“How do you manifest light when you’re in a dream?”
I bring my index finger up to my lips as I think of the best way to explain. “I start by murmuring the mantra for light. I lift my hands and visualize the light radiating from them, shining wherever I want it to go.”
“And what are you doing now?”
I frown. “I am doing the same.”
“Really? Because I’ve been watching you all for a while, and what I saw from you was your eyes closed and you trying to manifest light without actually doing what you just said you did.” Selina stands and comes to stand before me. “Now try it again, but don’t close your eyes. Focus on me; make me your target. Start with your mantra of light, and then visualize it radiating from your hands and surrounding me.”
I lift my hands. My focus is on Selina as I start to murmur the words linked to light. I then visualize pure white light radiating down my arms, to my hands, and out my fingers. I feel a warmth radiating from my hands. I open my hands wide, visualizing the light strengthening, shining, and then leaving my hands and spiralling around Selina in a beautiful cascade of twinkling light. I visualize the light touching her long white dress, making it sparkle.
“You are doing it,” I hear Hope say with a whoop. I close my eyes and lower my arms. Did I do it? Opening them again, I see remnants of light still floating around Selina, a tender smile on her face as she looks at me.
“You see, sometimes it’s just changing something and it works.” She lifts her hand and strokes a wisp of my long hair behind my ear. “The more you practice, the easier it will get.”
“How did it feel?” Vain asks from where she’s leaning against the door frame.
“I felt a warmth, nearly like when the sun shines down on you, and a tingling feeling all over my body.”
“Now we have a chance of fighting the shadows,” Hope says excitedly as she comes to hug me.
“Well, first we need to make sure that is what will keep them back, but remember, keeping shadows back still has them there in the background. We need to find the source of this evil and banish it from Eternity Fae,” Selina says seriously.
“If we only knew where they came from or what is happening out there,” Love says as she sits on the ground next to Beast. He opens one eye, looks at her, and then closes it again.
“Well, apparently the Fae are stirring. I spoke to Minna today, and she said that some Fae have been complaining. I was going to go speak to Braun today, but I didn’t get a chance. I’m thinking of doing it tomorrow.” I look at the others. “Maybe you can all go out and speak to your friends and see if they know anything. Like that, we can understand better what we are fighting against.”
“That’s a great idea. You’re not just a pretty face, after all,” Vain teases as she comes to stand next to me. I elbow her lightly on her side and smile.
“I’ll go speak to the Pixies and the Leprechauns, and if I find any Gnomes on the way, I’ll ask them too,” Vain says as she strokes her fingers through her beautiful hair.
“I was thinking of going to see my family tomorrow. If any of the Elves are perturbed, they will know,” Selina says.
“I’ll go talk to the Nymphs, but if I have a guard like apparently we all do now, I suggest he stays behind, because you know how they are,” Love says with a wink at us.
“I’ll go speak to the Gargoyles, and the Salamanders are close by. Maybe I’ll pop in while there,” Reality states as she takes a seat next to Selina.
“I guess I have the Witches and the Werewolves,” Hope mutters, which has me hiding a smile. None of us like the Witches. Even though they seem nice and stick to what is required, there is always something about them that keeps us on our toes.
“Do you know who is guarding you?” I ask Hope, only to have her smile as she nods.
“Yeah, I got Trek. I guess they know that any other one might not have been able to find me if I wanted, but Trek is amazing. I tried to give him the slip, but he was on me like a flash.” As a Werewolf, Trek is one of our best trackers, and Hope can be slippery when she wants to be. She can blend into the vegetation like no one else I have ever seen. Her gift with nature helps her manipulate things around her, which helps when she wants to hide.
“Well, I think I have Zain. He just walked past where I was too many times today for it to be a coincidence,” Reality says with a laugh. “I think they all need to learn the art of stealth a little better.”
“I don’t think Zain could be stealthy even if he tried,” Vain quips, which has us all laughing as we think of Zain. As the son of a Gargoyle and an Elf, he is a big, strapping male. He is all strength and brawn, with the magic of the Elves. With his long black hair and bright-blue eyes, he is hard to miss.