Page 9 of The Force of Five
“He might be a lug when it comes to hiding, but he’s sweet,” Reality says with a smile.
“Sweet, is he?” I quip with a raised brow. The girls are always teasing me because of Drez. I think it’s time I give them some of their own medicine. I see Reality’s cheeks darken with colour as she glares at me. Oh, I think I just hit a nerve. Looks like Reality has the hearts for Zain.
“Don’t be silly,” she mutters as she looks down at her lap, her hair covering her embarrassed face. I look over at Vain to see her surprised look. Looks like none of us had noticed that Reality has a crush on Zain.
“Well, I still have things to do, so be good,” Selina says as she stands to make her way out of the sitting room just as we hear running feet. “What’s going on?” she asks as Aqua and Trek rush past the sitting room door. The two men don’t answer as they disappear down the corridor towards the back where the kitchen is.
I rush towards the door, only to see Drez and Bain rushing towards the front main door. “Something is happening,” Love says as she comes to stand next to me, Beast standing next to her, his fangs showing as he growls low in his throat.
“Stay here,” Selina says as she rushes towards the front door where Drez and Bain are standing on each side of the door as if on guard. I see the way the energy around Drez is a static blue as if he’s wielding magic. Bain is standing before him; his sword is drawn and at the ready.
My heart races as I hear a noise coming from outside, and then the solid wooden door seems to start budging. “What the hell is going on?” Hope whispers beside me just as Beast turns his head and starts to growl at the windows. I see Reality snap around and lift her fighting staff. All of us have been versed in fighting techniques even though we never thought we would use them. Reality’s preference is the staff. I personally prefer the bow, but I don’t have mine with me, as I left it upstairs before I went out.
I turn to look at the window and at first don’t see anything, as it’s pitch dark outside, but then I see something swirling. “What is that?” I ask.
“I think it’s the shadows,” Love mutters as she pulls her two blades from their holsters at her waist. Since Love started her training, she has had a perchance for blades. She takes her two everywhere she goes, unlike me, who forgets my bow in my room all the time unless I’m training. Well, if it’s the shadows, I should be able to drive them back with light, if I can just make enough light to shine outside.
Lifting my hands, I start to envision light radiating from my hands, the mantra I am repeating reverberating through my body, making my whole body tingle. I cannot fail. If this is what is needed to drive them back, then I need to get this right. As soon as I start to envision the light before me radiating down my arms and through my hands, I stretch them out towards the window and imagine it racing out and towards the window, surrounding our home with light.
“I have an idea,” Hope says from behind me. “Surround me with light, too, Dream. I will try to send that light through all the roots to light up the vegetation around us.”
I imagine part of the light shining around all of us and then involving Hope, her skin shining in radiance with light.
“It’s working. I think they are backing off,” Vain says. I hear the haunting sound decreasing in volume, followed by a loud bang. It sounds like it could be the front door, but I cannot stop to look, or the light will stop, and they might come back. Then another crash, and everything becomes deathly quiet.
I continue wielding light, imagining it filtering through the foliage, pushing the darkness back. “You guys are doing it. The trees and plants are shining with a radiant light, and our home is surrounded by light.”
“Dream, are you okay to keep on manifesting for a while longer? I need to get the men to place lights in every window, shining out until daytime.” I nod but try not to break my concentration as I continue imagining the light moving outside. I can feel myself getting tired, but I will hold. I will not let anyone down.
There is movement all around me. I can hear the girls rushing around as they help the men. I wonder how long this will hold them back, as it seems like the shadows are determined to get us. I do not know how long I stand here, manifesting enough light to fight the shadows, before Selina tells me that I can stop. My head is pounding, and I am ready to fall. Manifesting this amount of magic for the time that I did without having done it before exhausted me.
Closing my eyes, I drop my arms. My knees start to give in, but before I can fall, I feel strong arms around me. “Take her to her room. She needs to rest.” I feel myself being lifted and held against a strong chest; I am too tired to open my eyes, but whoever is holding me smells so nice that I snuggle up closer.
“Is she okay?” I hear Love ask, concern in her voice.
“She will be fine. She’s just exhausted, as she’s not used to expelling that amount of energy. Hope, you should also go rest. You two worked wonderfully together.”
“I am tired,” I hear Hope say, but I do not open my eyes, as I can feel myself drifting off as I am carried upstairs and then placed gently on the bed. I think I hear something being murmured, but I’m not sure as I drift off to sleep.
I’m not sure what wakes me, but my eyes open to the sun shining in through the closed window. I smile as I see the different shades of colour reflecting on my wall as the sun shines on the strips of material hanging from my ceiling. I hear a slight rustle that makes me turn my head to see what it can be. The smile quickly turns into a gasp as I shoot up in bed. Against the far side in my old rocking chair is Drez. He is clearly sleeping and way too big for the chair as it creaks gently every time he breathes.
Last night’s attack comes rushing back, and I remember someone carrying me up to bed. Was that Drez? I can feel my cheeks warming with colour as I remember snuggling up to his chest. Looking down at myself, I groan as I see that I am still wearing yesterday’s clothes. At least he didn’t try to undress me. The thought has my stomach knotting with nerves. Why is he here in my room? Did he stay here to guard me the whole night?
The thought that he might care has me smiling in pleasure. Shuffling back against my headboard, I lean back as I get comfortable to watch Drez sleep. His beautiful long hair falls around his face, his body relaxed in sleep. I wish I had my drawing pad at hand. It would make the perfect portrait, but if I get up to get it, he might wake up. I would rather sit here and be able to stare at him to my heart’s content without him knowing than ruin this moment.
I must have been sitting here for over an hour when there is a crash from outside the room as if something tumbled over. I jump in fright and see Drez snap away. His body is off the chair and standing before the bed in seconds. He is here to guard me. How sweet. His muscles are tense, and a blade is in his hand as he stands in a fighting stance.
“I think you can relax; it was most probably Beast knocking something over as he walked past.” At my words Drez looks over his shoulder at me.
“You’re awake,” he mutters.
“Yep, I’ve been awake for a while.”
He turns to face me, a frown adorning his face. “How are you feeling?”
“As fresh as a daisy. Were you keeping an eye on me?”