Page 10 of Kien's Kindred
“Fine, fine,” Solgre said with a heavy breath. “Between Tasha and Phate, I’m never left alone, which means I have to sit and watch them fawn over each other. They remind me why I never desired to settle down.”
“Because your heart is dead inside?” Kien chuckled.
“Because being in love makes you addle brained. It’s hard to believe Phate negotiated us out of conflict with a space pirate ship only to turn around and talk in a high-pitched voice to a female as he stares into her eyes.” Solgre made a gagging noise.
Music from what Nisha called an iPad suddenly blared from the bathroom. A moment later her voice came through as she sang along with the words. Kien shifted his gaze to the door where floral scented steam wisped from the bottom. She wasn’t hitting the notes as well as the sultry singer, but her voice was still pleasant to his ears.
Was she naked and wet yet? He imagined water running over the slight curves of her attractive form.
“Kien? Are you still there?” Solgre asked.
Kien shook the thoughts of a very naked Nisha from his head. “Sorry, I’m here.”
“Oh, no. Not you too,” Solgre groaned.
“What do you mean?”
“I should’ve known you were interested in Nisha. First Phate, now you.”
The shower stopped. Kien chuckled to hide the truth of his growing infatuation for the sharp-tongued female. “You’re the one who commanded me to take this trip with her. It wasn’t my idea.”
“And you say that word ‘command’ like I’ve ever commanded you to do anything. Yes, I’m you’re superior but when have you ever done anything I’ve told you to do when you didn’t want to?”
Kien stood and fumbled through his bag for clean underwear. “You were all sickly and I didn’t want to question your authority around the females. I felt...sorry for you.”
“Ah, so you’re in a hotel room with a beautiful woman because you feel sorry for me? I understand now. Thank you, Kien for letting me save face in front of the females.”
“You’re welcome.”
The bathroom door opened, and Nisha emerged from the cloud of steam. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun with damp wayward curls framing her face. She had on a thin, matching sleeveless shirt and shorts. Her skin glimmered and her face glowed with renewed energy. His gaze dropped taking in her body. Her nipples puckered against the material of the top she wore.
She looked like a delicate treasure, needing security and love. And he wanted to be her protector and safe haven.
He inhaled a sharp breath.
“I don’t know what just happened. But whatever it is, you’re in trouble.”
“Indeed,” he said breathlessly to Solgre.
* * *
IT HAD TAKEN NISHAforever to decide what to wear to bed. First, she’d grabbed the sexy nightie from her bag, wanting Kien to see what he was missing and have him kicking himself for not choosing her. After thinking sexy would appear too desperate, she’d reached for a t-shit and sweats to portray the opposite—not let him get a glimpse of what he’d fumbled. Then, she’d said, “Fuck it.” If he wasn’t thinking about her, she wouldn’t think about him. She’d grabbed her normal comfortable cotton short set.
Emerging from the bathroom, Kien had taken one look at her, mumbled something into the cellphone and practically ran to the bathroom for his shower, leaving her standing in the middle of their hotel room feeling like a pariah.
“What do I care if he likes my PJ’s or not?” she mumbled under her breath. She crawled into her bed and under the blanket. “That’s why I wore this. Because I don’t care.” Maybe saying the words out loud would help to trick her brain? Even as she said it, she didn’t believe it.
She snuggled into the comfy bed and pulled the blanket up to her neck. She should’ve adjusted the thermostat before getting into the shower, then she would’ve come out to a warm room. As the shower ran, she saw a fantasy as clear as day in her head of Kien massaging shower gel across hard muscles and massaging his cock...
A moan crossed her lips. Nisha tried to shake the thought from her head, but it wouldn’t dislodge. It became...more. Now, she imagined her hands, replacing his and doing the cleaning and stroking.
“Oh, my.”
Saved by a phone notification.
Nisha grabbed her cell phone. A message from her mother. Since she’d been driving all day, she hadn’t gotten the chance to look at her messages or return any.