Page 11 of Kien's Kindred
There were a few from Tasha, checking in on her. Her boss had asked her about a file. It must not have been important otherwise he would’ve called. There were some funny memes and videos sent to her from co-workers and other friends. And the others were from her mom with a million and one questions about the man she traveled with and more memes and funny videos.
While Kien showered she went through everything to occupy her mind. She replied to everyone and gave her mother a bunch of non-answers, assuring her despite what Kien said, they werenotboyfriend and girlfriend, and she was still very much single. She could lie to the world, but not her mom.
The bathroom door opened and Kien stepped out wearing only boxers. She couldn’t pull her gaze away.
He glanced down then back at her. “Is this not what American males wear to bed? I saw it on a television show and bought some.”
“Wh-what do you normally wear to bed?” Her mouth was too dry, and tongue felt too thick.
“We don’t wear clothing to sleep while on the ship. There’s an automatic function of our beds that makes assessments and provides nutrients to our skin and muscles.”
Nisha raked her gaze over him. Kien was perfection. His blond curls, even when wet were unruly. His muscles bulged in places she wasn’t aware men had muscles. She’d seen and appreciated a good six-pack of abs, but she knew at this very moment her dream was to run her tongue and trace every line of Kien’seight-pack.
The sizing of his boxers was way off, and she appreciated the error on his part. The outline of his cock was clearly visible and to add to this glorious display were two tree-trunk, hairy thighs.
My, oh, my.
“You...You’re fine. That’s what American males wear to bed,” her voice croaked.
I’m in trouble.
Why did she ever think she could make it a week alone with Kien?
Chapter Four
Nisha eyed the gasgauge. She only had a quarter of a tank left. “We might as well fill up before we hit the road again,” she grumbled as she steered her truck from the hotel parking lot.
She was in a terrible mood. She’d tossed and turned all night, dangling somewhere between vivid dreams and an equally vivid imagination. All while listening to Kien’s light snoring. At least one of them had slept well. Which made her doubly pissed. How could he sleep when they were mere feet from each other?
Nisha wafted between wanting him to stay exactly where he was on the couch to praying he’d come to his senses and climb into bed with her, declaring his unyielding passion. She’d had trouble deciding if she’d wanted him to make slow, sweet love or bend her legs to her shoulders and break her back.
Just thinking of either of those scenarios made her insides gooey and pussy engorged. Yesterday had been her personal hell and it seemed like she was on track to have another uncomfortable ride filled with racy thoughts and hot flashes with no relief.
Can women get blue balls?
Hmm. Maybe?