Page 107 of Knot Guaranteed
I smile, nodding my agreement before my stare settles back on the ultrasound machine. I roll my shoulders back, trying to shake away some of the nervous energy that won’t quit.
“I’m telling you,” Ram says, laughing. “It’s twins.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Tinley says. “One baby is plenty to start with.”
“Agreed.” I nod, watching the screen.
“War,” Tinley says, holding out her free hand. I chuckle, taking the few steps and grasping her hand in mine. “Don’t stress.”
Shit, I thought I was blocking that. I’m not stressed, exactly. It’s more of an anxious hope that everything is okay. Our child is inside her body, growing and changing every day. The hard part falls to our omega. She was sick as hell for the better part of four months.
It was terrifying, but she really has felt better the last two weeks. I’m excited. I just need to know she and the baby are okay, and then I can relax until the next appointment.
“Okay, so you’re going to hear the heartbeat. Remember, don’t be alarmed. It’s completely normal for it to sound quite fast in comparison to ours,” the doctor reminds us.
“Are you ready?” Tinley asks, nodding from Ram to the screen.
He lifts her camera.
“Yeah, shortcake. I’m all set,” he says indulgently.
The whooshing sound fills the air, and it makes my knees weak, like every time we hear it on the Doppler.
“Still one baby?” Fitz asks after a few seconds.
“I believe so,” Dr. Davis says, chuckling as he studies the screen. “And I’m fairly sure I can accurately give you the gender, if you’re still interested?”
I turn to Tinley. She spent the last two months vacillating between wanting to knowright nowand being convinced she’d rather it be a surprise.
I don’t mind either way. I told Ram and Fitz, we can simply set up an extra bedroom for each gender, and then we’ll be golden for the next time around. If we have to repaint when the time comes, oh well.
“What do you think, Tinsel?” Fitz asks.
“I think one of you needs to swap with Ram so he can be in some of the pictures,” she says, shaking her head. “Sorry, um…”
Ram comes over.
I grab the camera to take a few with him and Fitz.
“What do you think?” she asks Ram.
“I think we support you in whatever decision you make,” Ram says, grinning and nodding. The goofy fucker. That’s his motto recently. Say and do nothing that could make our omega burst into tears.
“I mean,” she blows air through her lips, “I guess we should be surprised, right?”
“I wouldn’t mind waiting,” Fitz says.
“I’m fine with either,” I assure her, focusing back on the screen. “Does everything look good? We’ve got a healthy baby? That’s all I care about.”
“You’re lucky we do this in office. If I was the tech, I legally wouldn’t be able to tell you anything. However, everything looks perfect so far,” the doctor says. “Would you like me to write the gender on a card for you? Just in case you change your mind?”
I chuckle. He definitely has Tinley’s number.
“Could you?” she asks.
“Of course, it’s no problem,” Dr. Davis says.
My eyes ache as he focuses on the baby’s profile. I get so close to his back I can easily pick out their little nose and chin. Jesus Christ, we really made a human being.