Page 108 of Knot Guaranteed
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“Warrick, I’m very serious when I say I will hurt you if you don’t hand me that envelope,” Tinley grumbles, stretching up on her tiptoes to try to steal it.
The poor envelope is crumpled and not in good shape from all the times we’ve had this same disagreement over the last couple months.
“You told me you would rip my balls off if I caved and let you have it.” I chuckle, yanking her into my chest with my free hand on her luscious ass. The baby belly bounces against my pelvis, and my cock is very fond of her extra curves. She’s thirty-five weeks, and the nesting impulse has made her a little obsessive about making sure everything is exactly right. We’ve kept everything gender neutral, but she’s suddenly convinced we have to knowright now,so we can buy some pink or blue. “I can’t do it. That threat is still the one I’m most afraid of.”
“Well, now I’ll do it if you don’t hand it over.” She grunts, making a swipe for the card she has no chance of reaching.
Ram pops up in the doorway, and I fling the card at him. He smirks, laughing as he heads off.
Tinley’s head swivels, and her foot stomps against the ground. “No! Dammit. You’re not allowed to gang up on me.”
“Unless it’s a gangbang, right?” Ram calls out before he disappears.
“He’s really not as cute as he thinks he is,” she mutters.
“Come on, let me make you some extra butter popcorn and rub your back,” I say, hoping her latest craving will distract her.
“I’ll even throw in some M&Ms on the side,” Fitz calls out from the kitchen.
She pokes her lips out like she’s considering it.
“Fine, I accept your offer, but I get to pick the movie this time.” Her short finger shoves in the air as she spins around, and I lose my shit. I can’t even keep my laughter quiet as she waddles away. I really fucking love that woman.
* * *
“There’s just no way one small body should be able to produce such noxious gasses.” Ram chucks the baby wipes into the trash. “I’m almost proud of your accomplishments.”
“You best get that new diaper on quick before he pisses all over youagain,” I remind my twin.
“Shit,” Ram groans, grabbing one of the diapers and preparing to strap Jagger in. “I need to wash my hands. Will you get him into that?” He nods to the shirt and pants already laid out on the changing table.
“Yeah, I’ve got this.” I set the bottle down on the edge and scoop the little guy up, nuzzling my nose to his. He smells like blueberries and something nutty, but who knows if it’ll change as he gets older. He’s got a head full of dark hair and deep blue eyes, but they might change. They look a lot like Tinley’s eyes to me. He grunts, trying to attack my cheek like it’s the boob or a bottle. “Yeah, you’re definitely ready for that bottle, aren’t you?” I chuckle, putting him down so I can get him into his clothes.
Jagger wiggles and starts to fuss as I’m pulling on his socks. He kicks them off approximately sixty times a day, but Tinley stresses he won’t be warm enough. He’s a chunky little guy. He started life at nearly nine pounds, so I’m not shocked by how sturdy he is at two months old.
I scoop him up, heading over to the rocking chair.
“Oh no, don’t feed him!” Tinley hisses, yanking her tit out of the nursing pajama dress she’s wearing. Her hair sticks up in fifty directions and she looks exhausted, but she smiles brightly at the baby. “My boobs heard him calling.”
I laugh, nodding to the chair. “Get settled, and I’ll hand him to you.”
She sits down and grabs the breastfeeding pillow. “I’m ready.”
“What happened?” Fitz says from the doorway. “I thought they were on shift for another two hours?”
“We are,” I assure him.
“If I didn’t nurse, I was going to have to pump,” Tinley says, getting the baby latched. She gives Fitz a soft smile. “Go get your extra hour or two.”
“Okay.” He nods, spinning around in zombie mode. “Love you.”
She laughs, shaking her head as she runs her finger over Jagger’s cheek. She’s absolutely the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, both inside and outside. My chest always feels warm and fuzzy watching her with our baby.
I also know she’s going to be thirsty.
I lean over, giving her a quick kiss. “I’ll get you a drink.”