Page 100 of Menace
Lucky immediately thought about the day he and Carmella went to the studio and the look in Harper’s eyes when she had thrown them out.
Yeah, Dive was right, for all her soft smiles she was definitely not a pushover.
If Gloria’s kid turns out to be his they were going to have problems. His old lady will not take the shit the slut will be dishing out. And eventually, if he didn’t sort his shit, Harper will leave him and go back to SA.
If life with him was unbearable because of the slut, could he blame her if she left him?
No, because if he was put in a similar situation he wouldn’t hesitate. He would walk away. Save him the aggravation and heartache and make a clean break. Or as clean of a break as one can get when there’s a child involved.
Sighing despondently he leant against the wall next to Dive.
“No matter which way I look at it, I’m fucked. If it turns out the kid isn’t mine I’m still fucked. I haven’t reached out to Harper to explain why I’ve disappeared on her. She’s already texted and told me she’s done, the next move is up to me.”
He gave a despondent shrug.
“And I can’t make a fuckin’ move yet. So, here I am, waitin’.”
Dive laughed softly. “I have faith in you, brother. You’ll talk that firecracker of a woman around when the time’s right. We’ll get this done and you will finally accept that her boy is yours and play happy families.”
Lucky punched him in the arm.
“Ow! What was that for, you fucker?”
“Happy fuckin’ families? What the fuck, bro? We’re bikers, we don’t do that shit.” He growled at his friend.
Dive gave him a look then a grin that he really didn’t trust.
“Have you not been payin’ attention to my parents, brother? That’s a fuckin’ happy families right there. And Ren and Sherri? There’s another case of happy families. And my sister Leo and her man Wolf, they’re another case of a happy family. Who says bikers can’t have happy families? We can and we do, all the damned time.” He shrugged. “Do we have shit swirling around us? Sure, but we don’t let that slow us down. You want to have a family with Harper then you stick with her, brother. You don’t allow her to get away and you convince her she wants it too.”
His brother was right, he had to hold on and once this was done he would convince Harper of his commitment to her and her son.
He just had to get through this bullshit first.
And hopefully the DNA Mouth got for him would tell him if Ry was his or not.
The two of them hung out with Byte for an hour or so before leaving to take care of some club business. The fact his personal life was a mess didn’t mean he could take a break from his club duties.
It was a welcome distraction that lasted the rest of the day and late into the night.
Maniac kept him busy and Dive stayed by his side keeping him steady as they waited.
Two Days Ago
Checking his phone for the hundredth time he sighed and shoved it back into his pocket. It wasn’t as if she was going to message him. She had told him it was up to him now.
And he couldn’t fucking respond.
There was one thing he could do. Dragging out his phone he found the contact then called.
“What you want?” Ink growled.
He didn’t beat around the bush.
“How is she?”